I have a problem quite similar to the one found here, where I am trying to form a table using the tutorial found on Ellis Lab's site. I found some of their guide totally lacking on pagination, and as a result when I implement it, I lose my table sorting and have links for pagination that do not work when clicked.
After looking on StackExchange I found the helpful post above, so that now I am at the same starting state as the OP's problem. My code looks like this:
$method_url = BASE.AMP.'C=addons_modules'.AMP.'M=show_module_cp'.AMP.'module=my_module'.AMP.'method=my_method';
return array(
'rows' => array_slice($rows, $offset, 5),
'pagination' => array(
'page_query_string' => TRUE,
'base_url' => $method_url,
'per_page' => 5,
'total_rows' => count($rows)
However, adding $this->EE->table->set_base_url() does not solve it for me. Although I may need to add it in a place that I did not try - the solution post did not specify.
Perhaps the best way I could summarize would be this: What is the EllisLab tutorial missing from making a functional pagination/sorting table?