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Questions tagged [add-on-development]

For questions specific to the creation/development of ExpressionEngine addons which include Modules, Extensions and Plugins.

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1 answer

Update Grid Fields data Programmatically

I have a channel entry with the "images" field. The field type is Grid. What I'm trying to do is add a few pictures in the field through PHP. I'm using this query to fetch the entry: $entry =...
Afifa's user avatar
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add_layout_tabs doesn't acceept a channel ID

I'm on EE6.1 and I've built an add-on that installs its own channel and fields. I was hoping to add a publish layout and some tabs to organize the fields. I set up my array of fields, grabbed my ...
eThumbprint's user avatar
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1 answer

Updating hooks from v2 to v4

My company has a legacy add-on from version 2 and has now updated to version 4 of EE. With the upgrade, the hooks that fire when a new entry of a specific channel type are no longer triggering. After ...
David Hamilton's user avatar
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Convert old (EE2) addon to EE6

wondering if anyone can help me convert this to EE6. Thanks <?php /** * @package ExpressionEngine * @author Wouter Vervloet * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Baseworks * @license http://...
Kippi's user avatar
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Addon development - make visible to Member permissions?

Using EE 3.5.1. I have made a simple extension to allow a logged in user manage a single settings() text field. However, I cannot grant access to this add-on to other Member Groups because it does not ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 answer

How To Fire Addon Method With Cron Job

EE 5.3.0 I have a feature that compares and updates data from different services using various APIs. I set it up to trigger based on url ACT id and a key. The script works fine and now I want to make ...
Shayne's user avatar
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Anyone with PHP skills interested in updating an add-on for EE 5?

Obscure, (see files on GitHub), encodes all content between the tags {exp:obscure}{/exp:obscure} similar to the way the {encode} tag for email works in ExpressionEngine. Add-on provides additional ...
Megan McFarland's user avatar
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1 answer

AJAX In Cart Page Returning Odd HTML Instead Of Data Object

EE 5.2.6 This is a very strange problem. I have a class that I'm using to query the Amazon Product Advertising API and return data via AJAX. I have category pages and product pages where the jQuery ...
Shayne's user avatar
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2 answers

Checking if a plugin is installed

new user to ExpressionEngine here. I recently developed a plugin that I'm using to apply a filter to content, but I run into an issue when the plugin isn't installed. Is there a way to check if a ...
Jordan Leven's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I use stash->parse in my extension

I'm writing an addon which can take an EE template, replace some variables and then crucially parse the EE tags in it and then email it. I was hoping stash:parse might come to my rescue after a day ...
boilerroomdigital's user avatar
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1 answer

Expresso store : add on, hook store_order_complete_end creates order id+1

Expression Engine 2.10.1 , Expresso Store 2.5.1 For enabling payment via Klarna we have used following Hook to create a custom add-on to handle order creation via API.
Bart's user avatar
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1 answer

Issue with custom fieldtype using shared form field

I am working on a custom fieldtype which essentially displays a select dropdown with some custom options. To keep in line with EE's styles I'm trying to use their shared form field to get it to ...
jrrdnx's user avatar
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Uploading images in CP using ee:_shared/form via custom addon

I created a module for EE2 a few years back and I'm in the process of making this compatible with EE3/4. I'd ideally like to make use of the ee:_shared/form (Shared Form View) and I'm 90% there but ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Create an entry from an extension?

Is it possible to use the model service to create a new entry? I have been using the model service recently to update and delete channel entries, but can't figure out how to create. $update_query = ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Model service filtering by date

I have recently started using the model service to query channel entries. $query = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry') ->filter(...); I have been using EE's documentation to ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Store shipping plugin …

Does anybody have a sample shipping plugin for Store 2? The only one I have is for 1.5 and the documentation isn't very helpful. Thanks in advance, Cole
Cole Henley's user avatar
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CartThrob price field modifier to minus some amount from cart total

I am having issue in developing cartThrob tax plugin with fieldtype Tax plugin have this fields. I have created a field type that will call that tax settings and populates here. When I view in ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar
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EE4 Module Tab on Template Editor Page

Is there a way to add a tab on the publish form within the Template Manager like it is with the Channels? For example, the Template Manager has the default Edit, Notes, Settings and Access form tabs. ...
Miura-shi's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Fieldtype: How to check save($data)

Developing a custom fieldtype and having trouble getting the entry data to save to the exp_channel_data table. I know that the data passed must be a string and I am trying to catch the data at the ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Clearing the cache via API

The Expression Engine documentation for caching explains that the caches are automatically cleared upon: Submission, updating or deleting of an Entry through API I need to clear the caches via my ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Custom add-on accessing method from another custom add-on …

I've got a custom add-on/extension that extends the Store module by tapping into the store_order_complete_end hook to save details of an order to an XML file stored on the server. I want to access ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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How to remove -EE warning about a deprecated function from the NCE LDAP plugin

The system has detected an add-on that is using outdated code that may stop working or cause issues with the system. What does this means and how can I solve the issue? Deprecated function hash() ...
Shiny Muhammed's user avatar
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View file cannot be found when creating new class

Edit I have two separate add-ons in play here with EE 3.5.3 addons/project/ext.project.php addons/project_mailer/mod.project_mailer.php addons/project_mailer/views/mail_template.php I've got an ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
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Expresso Store custom tax rule

I've worked on a few custom plugins/add-ons before but am a bit rusty on extensions. I need to write a custom tax rule for Store and looking for guidance on targeting one of the Store extension hooks, ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
3 votes
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Converting addon to EE3

Wonder is anyone can help me convert this EE2 addon to EE3 <?php $plugin_info = array( 'pi_name' => 'String', 'pi_version' =>...
Kippi's user avatar
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4 votes
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Updating ExpressionEngine 2.6 add-on variable PHP code for 2.11.6 compatibility

I'm having a little trouble updating a new client's pre-existing website from EE2.6 to 2.11.6. A now defunct add-on needs a few updates to work correctly with post 2.6 code formatting. After some ...
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Plugin Development - Is it possible to extend the 'Grid' fieldtype?

I'm building a fieldtype plugin that is essentially planned to be an extension of the 'Grid' fieldtype. I can see in the docs how you create a new fieldtype to be used inside of a 'Grid' but that's ...
Andy Holmes's user avatar
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Custom add-on not appearing in Add-On Manager

I've created a barebones add-on directory structure, but ExpressionEngine will not list it. The only file that I've included, addon.setup.php, is defined as follows: return array( 'author' =>...
Will Diaz's user avatar
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2 answers

Using the cp_custom_menu hook

I can't get the cp_custom_menu hook to run. Here's my code. The activate_extension() function runs and successfully adds the extension to the db but it never gets called. public function ...
Patrick64's user avatar
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In ExpressionEngine 3, what is the format of the config file to be able to use the Config Service?

I'm developing an add on for Expression Engine 3, and I can't figure out what the format should be for the config file that will be used from the Config Service. The Expression Engine documentation ...
Shilpam's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating entry with channel entries api, redirecting to empty view page

I am on EE 2.11.2, and I am using the Channel Entries API to create a new channel entry after a user submits a form on the front-end. It saves the entry just fine, but when I redirect the user to the ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Channel Entry Hooks not POST-ing fields

EE 3.4.2 Working on an EE3 Extension. I am able to utilize the channel_form_entry_form_tagdata_start to inject the custom field I need to for my Extension. This is a simple field (text) that is ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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How can I call a method from my add-on via a JS file?

I'm working on updating a fieldtype add-on to work with EE3. This add-on calls one of its own functions from a javascript file to make some DB updates without reloading the page. In EE2, the ...
user7013's user avatar
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Using hooks in EE3 calling methods in extensions from modules

I'm new to hooks, so pardon any ignorance in the questions... So in my extension, (ext.staree.php), I have the following specifying the hook: class Staree_ext { public $hooks = array('...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Get the current entry_id from inside a module addon

I am working on an addon for EE3 and would like to be able to pull whatever the current {entry_id} is to use inside the mod file without requiring the user to have to add it as a param. Is this ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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How do I make a fieldtype use the full column width in the control panel?

I've coded a new fieldtype for my EE3 install. It works, but it doesn't look quite right in the control panel - the input fields only use up half of the available space. This looks fine for many ...
Will Diaz's user avatar
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Error in entries per page counting plugin

I'm working on a quick plugin to output where you are in a paginated list of entries but am having problems doing mathematical calculations on plugin parameters when one of them is using {...
Tyssen's user avatar
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Return Variables to a Template

I have created a module for Expression Engine 3, which includes two functions. search_form search_results search_form returns a form into my template. search_entries is actioned by search_form upon ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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How to create an Addon

So I've been using EE for some years but I've never created an add-on before and I was hoping for some guidance on how to approach it and whether it should be an extension or a module. Requirements: ...
KoalaKid's user avatar
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Codeigniter style validation callback function not working

I've created an EE custom addon that processes a simple enquiry form. All works well but I'm trying to add a callback function to my validation rules and it appears to be completely ignored. Here's ...
Jim Pannell's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the member_id of a user that was just logged out?

I currently have the core file Session.php modified a little to keep track of login/logout information and member_ids - create_new_session() for login, destroy() for logout. I realize that this can ...
WOUNDEDStevenJones's user avatar
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Enable "search:" Parameter in Custom Add-On Channel Entries Method (EE2)

I'm extending the Channel module entries() method in my custom plugin and am trying to figure out how to include the search: parameter. I get that the search parameters are an array accessed via ee()-&...
kmgdev's user avatar
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Upgrading module from EE2 > EE3

Can I confirm that if a custom module does not have a control panel interface, conversion from EE2 > EE3 only requires the following changes: Create a addon.setup.php file
ccdavies's user avatar
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Lang text with control panel interface

On a new project, the client requires that it be possible to add/modify all text. I will be using channel entries to hold majority of the 'content' text, but I am more perplexed by how I should allow ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

For a list of events, get the first occurrence of each event, programmatically

In an add-on, I'd like to get a list of entries (events) ordered by the first upcoming occurrence of that event. For example: Event X: 2016-01-05 and 2016-01-08 (2 occurrences) Event Y: 2016-01-07, ...
Low's user avatar
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Custom AddOn, Using SimplePie to display an enclosure

I need to display an RSS feed on my site. I could use the built in RSS_Parser add-on, however that add-on does not appear to support adding an item enclosure (image). This is a requirement for this ...
M Purdy's user avatar
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Date Input Field in CP View

Is it possible to have a date input field in a control panel view page? Is there any kind of build in javascript library for the date calendar etc? Thank you.
ccdavies's user avatar
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Module Settings Column

I am creating a competition website. For the competition I am creating a custom module. The module has a cp backend where I want to be able to add some details about the competition. For example, ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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How to add a new database column in third party module?

I've created a module for ExpressionEngine and since it's initial installation I need to add a new column to the database. I've managed to create the update funtion in the upd.modulename.php file and ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
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Possible to spoof last page, or end early in multi-page form?

I have a form with a number of pages and radio buttons, each one has a score attached. If the score is lower than 5 by the 5th page I need to end the form and display the results, else carry on with ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar

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