I have multiple functions in the plugin I created, but I'll just include one, for simplicity.
For usage in the template:
{exp:banner_courses:list_all_courses term_code="201340"}
This returns all courses within the term of 201340
You'll notice it calls a private function get_course_listing "$this->get_course_listing()", that retrieves all courses that relate to the subject. That isn't really important.
The meat and potatoes of getting yourself up and running with retrieving data from an oracle database is in the construct
$plugin_info = array();
class banner_courses {
var $return_data;
function __construct() {
$this->db = '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=host.name)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=instance.name)))';
$this->conn = oci_pconnect('username', 'password', $this->db);
function list_all_courses()
global $TMPL, $FNS;
$term_code = ( ! $TMPL->fetch_param('term_code')) ? FALSE : $TMPL->fetch_param('term_code');
return $this->return_data = '';
$subject_query = oci_parse($this->conn, "SELECT DISTINCT SUBJECT_DESC, SUBJ_CODE FROM szvcourses WHERE TERM_CODE = :term_code ORDER BY SUBJECT_DESC");
oci_bind_by_name($subject_query, ":term_code", $term_code, 6);
oci_fetch_all($subject_query, $subjects);
$i = 0;
$count = count($subjects['SUBJECT_DESC']);
$course_listing = '';
while($i < $count):
$course_listing .= $this->get_course_listing($term_code, $subjects['SUBJ_CODE'][$i]);
return $this->return_data = $course_listing;