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Questions tagged [.gitignore]

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3 votes
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ExpressionEngine 3 .gitignore

How are everyones .gitignore files looking in the latest iteration of EE? Mine .gitignore is included below. Is there anymore secret data / files that should not be in the repo? # Capistrano ...
Edd Aslin's user avatar
  • 431
1 vote
3 answers

Placing .gitignore abover web root?

I wonder where should I place my .gitignore file when the EE system folder is above the root and I need to track those files. This is my .gitignore at the moment: # Globals and OS junk files [Tt]...
Sergio Acosta's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How to manage EE Cache files in Git?

I'm using Git for version control and have been battling with the system/expressionengine/cache folder a bit. Someone had removed it from the repo using an ignore, but then we got php errors because ...
Doug's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

What do you put in your .gitignore for ExpressionEngine sites?

I'd like to keep my git repo as clean as possible without cache files and content image files. Also I'd like to preserve the ExpressionEngine images directory structure. What are you gitignore ...
Richard Frank's user avatar