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Facebook addons for images

Are there any EE Facebook addons that can create albums from multiple images in entry when sharing entry on Facebook. Thanks
EyOwrH's user avatar
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Social feeds to display on EE driven website

I'm going to move one Wordpress site to EE and they have using social feeds (twitter and facebook, I think multiple sources) displaying on their website. Are there any addons for EE which can handle ...
JackTheKnife's user avatar
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facebook connect button not showing

I'm using Solspace's Facebook Connect addon to add Facebook login to a site, but I can't work out why my Facebook connect button is not showing while using the following template code: {exp:fbc:login ...
raoul's user avatar
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Posting to FB/Twitter - addon suggestion?

I want each channel entry to be posted to FB and Twitter. I'm looking at Does anyone have experience with this? Documentation for this addon is a lacking, ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar