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Getting Channel Entry Data With AJAX

EE 5.2.2 I am making an app that lists channel entries in a template. Some of the data in these entries could be very substantial so I would like to only call that data if/when the user chooses. The ...
Shayne's user avatar
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Create an entry from an extension?

Is it possible to use the model service to create a new entry? I have been using the model service recently to update and delete channel entries, but can't figure out how to create. $update_query = ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Model service filtering by date

I have recently started using the model service to query channel entries. $query = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry') ->filter(...); I have been using EE's documentation to ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Need query that filters entries by category

I need to display entries from Channel 1 and entries from (Channel 2, Category 1). I'm guessing the meat of the query would be something like this: WHERE channel_id = 1 OR (channel_id = 2 AND cat_id ...
pedalGeoff's user avatar
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Need help with a query to get data

I need a complex query and have gone beyond my scope of understanding. Here is the gist... There is a section of the site in which users can select various values available in entries of a ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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How can I retrieve the site name from a channel entry as a query?

I have a plugin that I am editing at the moment and I am looking to do a query that takes the site_id from a channel(not a channel entry) and then grabs the id and passes that through a function that ...
M dunbavan's user avatar
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Return only entries which have the same custom field as the current displayed entry?

I'm trying to display a list of links dynamically based on the current entry that is being displayed. with code along the lines of this: {exp:channel:entries channel='tour' disable="category_fields|...
Erbert's user avatar
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Extracting category ID of an entry and then using it to display more entries

I'm wondering what the best way to do this may be. I probably haven't worded the question in the best way so I'll explain. Basically, I have an entry on page which is assigned to a category. On the ...
Adam's user avatar
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Passing ID’s from a query to Channel Entries

I'm using quite a complex query using exp:query to generate the member ID's of members who have certain data in a custom field. I'm struggling on how to pass the generated ID's onto a channel entries ...
Jon Wright's user avatar
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How can I use exp:query in entries?

I'm looking for a way to use exp:query in entries. So far I haven't been able to find this. I know it's not recommended but for what I'm trying to build it's most feasible to do so. That way I'll be ...
Danny's user avatar
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Channel Entries: DISTINCT and COUNT

Given Channel entries, is there a way to get a list of unique entries in a text field and how many times that entry exist? For example, say the Channel contains the field first_name (FT is text) and ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar