I'm using the recipients="yes" option in my form, and I have a number of recipients specified in the form parameters using the pipe-separated format (eg. recipient1="somename|[email protected]"). Is there a way to include just the part before the pipe ("somename") in a notification template? I can add the custom field {recipient_email} but that places both parts into the template, including the email address. I just want the first bit. Possible?
EDIT: I'm similarly struggling to find a way to pass the name value of the selected email address to the return (Thank You) page. For example, if the user chooses the second of three email address from the form's select menu and that recipient is specified as recipient2="Joe Smith|[email protected]" then I want to be able to have a line of the form's Return page that says "You sent this information to Joe Smith". So far I haven't found a way, even using Stash to save a variable to the database.
Anyone have a solution to this?