Is there a reason the edit_date in exp_channel_titles isn't in Unix time format?
I need to display the last edit date of a section of a website so I'm doing a simple query
{exp:query sql="SELECT title, edit_date FROM exp_channel_titles
INNER JOIN exp_structure using(entry_id)
WHERE (exp_structure.channel_id ='4' OR parent_id ='13')
ORDER BY edit_date DESC LIMIT 1"}
{edit_date format="%d%S %F %Y"}
However the edit date seems to be formatted in a non unix timestamp. Is there a specific reason for this?
/system/expressionengine/libraries/api/Api_channel_entries.php is set to
'edit_date' => $this->EE->localize->decode_date('%Y%m%d%H%i%s', $this->EE->localize->now, FALSE),
Should this be
'edit_date' => $this->EE->localize->decode_date('%U', $this->EE->localize->now, FALSE),
Using EE 2.5.5
EDIT - reason for asking
I ask because my outputs do not format correctly:
Eg; edit_Date of 20130111181835
Last Updated - {edit_date format="%F %d, %Y"}
outputs -
Last Updated - October 30, 639867
I've since tried priting the edit date of a normal post and it still it not formatted correctly. I will go check my settings...