I am exporting news articles into a page using channel entries in expression engine. I want the first article that appears to be 'col-md-4' the next 2 articles to be within 'col-md-3' the next 2 to be within 'col-md-3' and the last 3 articles to be within a 'col-md-2' container.
I have tried various ways to do this. I thought I had worked it out with the code below by editing the entries using an {if:else} statement and using the {count} variable. Although I realised I was selecting the entrie with that ID for example {count == 1} was the article with ID 1, not the first article to appear on the page.
Does anyone know how I can edit an article depending on the order it appears on the page?
{exp:channel:entries channel="news|blogs" limit="8" dynamic="no"}
{if count == 1}
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="item news-v2">
<div class="news-v2-badge">
{if news_thumbnail == ""}
<a href="/news/article/{url_title}">
<img class="lazyOwl img-responsive" src="home_logo_filler_news_events.png" alt="">
<a href="/news/article/{url_title}">
<img class="lazyOwl img-responsive" src="{news_thumbnail}" alt="">
<h4><a href="/news/article/{url_title}">{title}</a></h4>
<span>{entry_date format="%d"}</span>
<small>{entry_date format="%M"}</small>
<small>{entry_date format="%Y"}</small>
{if:elseif count == 2 || count == 3 || count == 4 || count == 5}
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="item news-v2">
<div class="news-v2-badge">
{if news_thumbnail == ""}
<a href="/news/article/{url_title}">
<img class="lazyOwl img-responsive" src="home_logo_filler_news_events.png" alt="">
<a href="/news/article/{url_title}">
<img class="lazyOwl img-responsive" src="{news_thumbnail}" alt="">
<h4><a href="/news/article/{url_title}">{title}</a></h4>
<span>{entry_date format="%d"}</span>
<small>{entry_date format="%M"}</small>
<small>{entry_date format="%Y"}</small>
{if:elseif count == 6 || count == 7 || count == 8}
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="item news-v2">
<h4><a href="/news/article/{url_title}">{title}</a></h4>
<span>{entry_date format="%d"}</span>
<small>{entry_date format="%M"}</small>
<small>{entry_date format="%Y"}</small>