I am new to EE (but familiar with PHP, SQL, etc.) and am trying to run an EE site locally that was originally made by another developer. It is a large, complex site with numerous plug-ins.
EE verson is 2.8.1. My local setup is Windows 7 64-bit and MAMP with PHP 5.5.38 (the same version the site was built for) and MySQL 5.6.34.
I have imported the db, changed the config file to use my own disk paths etc., and installed further requisites with PHP Composer.
Now, when I visit index.php, I get a completely blank page. I have confirmed that index.php runs to completion (by adding a test 'echo' statement at the end), but it produces no output, even with $debug=1, and I see nothing in the Apache and PHP error logs. (I've also noticed that, when I visit the EE control panel, I can log in, but the CSS styles are all missing.)
I suspect I may have missed something in the config file, problem but am unsure what to try next. Any suggestions? Thanks.