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Questions tagged [config]

The process of configuring ExpressionEngine and/or third-party add-ons via the config.php file - or another configuration solution such as Focus Lab's EE Master Config.

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2 answers

Define Database Error (Upgrading 2.10.1 to 3)

I apologize for a question that I know has been asked and answered. However, I don't have enough reputation to reply to the answer, just to provide another "answer", which I don't have. ...
ccesarano's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use a remote database inside docker containers

I'm attempting to setup a docker container to run expression engine. Using best practices for Docker, it is recommended to separate the db from the web host and php containers. However, it seems there ...
Tyler's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I set X-Frame-Options in config.php

I need to be able to display content from one EE site on another using an iFrame. By default X-Frame-Options for EE is set to "SAMEORIGIN". I know this is set in Core, so I don't want to do the ...
forrest's user avatar
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2 answers

HTTPS url just redirects back to HTTP

I have a site that's running EE 3.3 and I'm trying to change it to include the SSL certificate that's just been installed on the server. I normally can change the config or the URL settings to ...
James Cottis's user avatar
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1 answer

Multi Environment config/config.php - Staging not working

I've just updated a site from EE2.9.3 to 5.1.1 and am attempting to deploy to a staging location so my client can preview it. I've added a switch statement to users/config/config.php in order to keep ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Upload XLS files in EE3?

I can't find a way to whitelist the mime type that will allow the user to upload XLS files. I've tried all of these settings but I'm still being blocked: $config['mime_whitelist_additions'] = array( ...
Marketing Alliance's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to change URL to the root directory of my site in global configuration?

Using Expression Engine 2 the going to Admin>General configuration I am trying to change both "URL to the root directory of your site" and "URL to your "themes" folder" I can type the changes in no ...
TTK's user avatar
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Blank index.php with no errors (EE 2.8.1)

I am new to EE (but familiar with PHP, SQL, etc.) and am trying to run an EE site locally that was originally made by another developer. It is a large, complex site with numerous plug-ins. EE verson ...
equin0x80's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot upload EPS to file directory

I can't upload .eps extension files to any upload directories. I'm on EE 3.4.5. When I try to upload, I see the following message: I've tried using the 'mime_whitelist_additions' config override, but ...
Sam Cosgrove's user avatar
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2 different domains (MSM) frontend problem ONLY. We can not switch site and stay logged in

MSM site on different domains (NOT subdomains) When logged in to CP we can switch sites. When logged in through a frontend form we can not. Settings for all sites: cookies cookies Config system: ...
Hansl's user avatar
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1 answer

Expresso Store: payment gateway settings in filesystem

Is it possible to store payment gateway settings in the file system, eg config.php? For example, I might want to have different settings for different environments, eg test gateway API for staging ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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In ExpressionEngine 3, what is the format of the config file to be able to use the Config Service?

I'm developing an add on for Expression Engine 3, and I can't figure out what the format should be for the config file that will be used from the Config Service. The Expression Engine documentation ...
Shilpam's user avatar
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1 answer

How to proceed after upgrade error ee2 to 3?

I am upgrading from Expression Engine 2 to 3. The upgrade was stopped and the following is the message I received: Error While Installing 3.4.1 Stopped Oops, there was an error ExpressionEngine ...
M.Robinson's user avatar
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Updating Member preferences for one member group resets other member groups

I'm running 2.6.1 (can't update right now) I have 2 member groups (+ admin) Each time I update the channel publishing preferences the preferences of the other channel all revert to no access. Is ...
Keith's user avatar
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Custom addons folder location in ExpressionEngine 3

Does anyone know if there is an config override for changing the addons folder location in ExpressionEngine 3. I can't see anything mentioned in the documentation but I was wondering if I have missed ...
Michael Sibley's user avatar
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2 answers

Entries can't be updated - 404

I'm having a problem with EE; when updating or creating an entry I get redirected to the 404 page. I've researched a lot because this is getting annoying. I've tried checking the .htaccess as a common ...
Omar Fabricio Mejia's user avatar
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2 answers

Redirect after forum log-in when site_url is protocol agnostic

I have stumbled across an issue with the forum module whereby if you have a site_url specified in config as protocol agnostic, i.e. minus http: or https: then the redirect after forum log-in always ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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2 answers

Problem with date/time setting

So I have ExpressionEngine Core Core v2.10.1 - Build Date: 20150501 installed and under localisation I have set to see 24 hour default time formatting and to include seconds in the default time format,...
BSheep's user avatar
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What's the correct syntax for setting up memcached caching driver in EE 2.8+ with socket?

In EE 2.8 and above, you can select 'Memcached' as your 'Caching Driver' under "Admin" => "General Configuration". I am using one of Nexcess' "ExpressionEngine optimized" hosting plans, which lists "...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Use config variables in templates?

Is there a place in EE to store custom config variables and access them in the templates? I need to be able to use these variables in conditionals as well as output them. Furthermore, I need to have ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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Themes folder above root

Is it possible to move the themes folder above the root? I am using MSM and want to move the folder away from the main site.
Third_Hyperion's user avatar
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Focus Lab Master Config vs System Config

My base template path doesn't appear to be working, and I'm not quite sure what I should have in the system/../config.php file? (I started with a config.php file from another project that doesn't use ...
jx3's user avatar
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running 2 sites on 1 installation

I'm going down the classic route of 2 sites within 1 install for a client who has a multi-lingual site with Transcribe. For those not familiar with that approach, here's the background. What we're ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Setting a global session cookie path

I'm seeing PHPSESSID set at /members/ when I have $config['cookie_path'] = '' (also tried $config['cookie_path'] = '/'). Shouldn't this config ensure all session cookies are set at the root path? I'...
Russ Back's user avatar
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4 answers

Config.php file permission changed to 666 but installation won't run

I set permissions via SFTP to 666 on config.php and database.php but am getting this in the installation wizard: Your config.php file does not appear to have the proper file permissions. Please set ...
user2088550's user avatar
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1 answer

Switching default database engine to InnoDB

We recently altered our EE tables to use InnoDB as the database engine instead of MyISAM. All is good. INNODB is also set as the default engine in MySQL's preferences. I just noticed that when ...
AllInOne's user avatar
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Why Is It Necessary to tell Expression where it is the file system and why more than once?

Don't say it's for flexibility! If flexibility is all that matters, where is software for making a whole website by typing everything freeform all into one field. So we draw lines, make judgments, ...
DanAllen's user avatar
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3 answers

Configure to allow EE site to be accessed from more than one domain?

Is there a way to configure EE to allow it to be accessed from more than one URL? Our site has some multilingual capabilities, and we would like to be able to offer users in some areas the ability to ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Multiple language setup with consolidated config file

I'm developing a multi-language site and wish to use the site root level ISO language code folder structure method. But it's not working – I get a blank page when visiting or
Seb's user avatar
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upgraded WYGWAM 3.3.3 - config icons not right

When I go into the toolbar config this icon is used for inserting an image. No console errors. When I look at the actual publish page, everything is as expected. Tried clearing ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Expression Engine install trouble (2.9.2)

I seem to be having some trouble getting expression engine to install on my server. I've set everything up as directed and still am having issues with it. When I go to the home page - no matter what I ...
ajmajmajma's user avatar
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1 answer

Enable Memcached in EE 2.9.2: problems

I am trying to get Memcached working on my EE (2.9.2) website. I have memcached installed correctly (both Memcache and the PHP extension) and running as a daemon: % ps -ef|grep memcache user pid ...
tatlar's user avatar
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1 answer

ExpressionEngine Email Configuration

I have tried using all three methods in the Email Configuration method and when I test these methods via the Tools >> Communicate all three of them work. However when an order is submitted on the ...
rtagster's user avatar
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How do I add custom styles to Wygwam using a hook?

I want to add an extension to wygwam that allows me to add my own customized dropdown to the toolbar with different css styles. No idea where to start. I want simple styles for pull-quotes and lists. ...
ObiWanKobi's user avatar
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system overrides for session timeouts -- deprecated?

There's a note in the docs (here) talking about cp_session_ttl and user_session_ttl overrides being replaced as part of the 2.8 update. But I can't see anything about it in the changelogs. Am I ...
RickL's user avatar
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1 answer

How can you control the pagination URL?

How can you control the pagination URL and change this: to this: ? Any help appreciated.
James's user avatar
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Inconsistent URL paths

Having some issues with paths on my build, i get a different output using {site_url} to {path='site_index'}, {site_url} outputs the correct value but {path='site_index'} outputs the correct value with ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

site's system not coming up correctly

Thanks for helping me with my htaccess issue before and I hope you can help me once more. A little background, I am attempting to have my local machine and staging mimic the production site. I have ...
kronus's user avatar
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1 answer

Running EE across two servers - how to setup?

I am shifting to a two-server setup for running my site. This would mean one server handles MySQL and one handles web stuff. My understanding is all I need to do to make this function with EE (version ...
Linda Antonsson's user avatar
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where are Server path to site's templates saved

I am working locally and occasionally have to push my files up to staging server, The problem is when I replace the database a variable gets overwritten and breaks my layout. Server path to site's ...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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How to make Assets ignore html files

I'd like to make Assets ignore html files that appear in my file upload directories. I've looked through the Assets docs, and can see that there's a config override that seems to allow this named ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Secondary site on MSM not retaining its URL

EE 2.7.2. I have a secondary site on Multi Site Manager. Users can only login to EE from the main site, so I have no admin.php for the secondary site. In the secondary site's index.php, I have: $...
4midori's user avatar
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How do I create new image upload destination via config bootstrap file?

I am running expression engine on MSM at the moment. I have got the deployment and ebvironments working properly, my only issues is that there are literally about 30 different file upload paths all ...
M dunbavan's user avatar
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"invalid_filename" error when trying to synchronise upload directories [duplicate]

I'm making some changes to an existing ExpressionEngine site which involve moving the system above the web root and using Focus Labs config set up. Because of the new config set up I had to define ...
foamcow's user avatar
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Pagination {auto_path} outputting 3 x duplicate URL

I have an odd problem with EE 2.5.3 outputting multiple urls preceding the correct pagination segment when using this code: {paginate} {if next_page} <a href="{auto_path}"Next</a> {/if} {/...
Pentland_web's user avatar
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2 answers

Having issues with $config['debug'] = "1" and environments

I currently have environment variables in my config.php file to deal with databases but on the last couple of project I've had to turn on debug on more than one occasion. I added $config['debug'] = "1"...
Stuart McCoy's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable XSS filtering on Cartthrob?

I'm looking for some hidden configuration settings that will allow me to disable XSS filtering when using Cartthrob. The global EE config item is ignored. Is this possible?
Jon Horton's user avatar
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6 answers

System Offline problems

I turned off the site in the config panel, General Configuration , Is system on? = no. Inside the config file, it’s set to no too. But even if it’s set to no, the site still online. I can still view ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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4 answers

Config variables in templates

Is there a way to access config variables from the config files via native EE tags so that I can display it in the templates ? Or are there none that I have to right a plugin for it?
developarvin's user avatar
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File structure for a staging site is different from production

On my current project the production site has the following folder structure: --system --config --public_html -assets -index.php -admin.php -etc. But, the staging site I need to create is ...
Sergio Acosta's user avatar