I am using FreeForm 4.1.3 and ExpressionEngine 2.7.3. I have a form that was working for a while and I think I am running into an issue now. I did have to recently go into EE settings and update my file upload location of my host. I updated the Server Path to Upload Directory under CP Home -> File Manager -> File Upload Preferences -> Edit File Upload Preferences. I guess the host of my client updated their hosting somewhere along the lines and now when I try to upload certain documents it knocks out my site.... In chrome I get...

This page isn’t working

www.xxxxxxxxx.com didn’t send any data. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

I am not sure what is going on.... I can back my page up and submit again with a txt file and it submits....just not a docx....I have file uploads set to all file types.

  • I am noticing I can do any file through file manager upload file but not docx. I have past docx's in here so I know they used to work. Any ideas where I can do this? in my mimes.php file i have docx there and under security and session I have Apply XSS Filter to uploaded files set to Yes.
    – whreed
    Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 2:40
  • If you're confident that users won't upload malicious files turn off xss filtering. Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 3:50
  • When i turn off xss filtering I still have the issue of uploading docx files. I get a weird broken image icon when I use the built in file manager and try to upload a docx.
    – whreed
    Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 16:12

1 Answer 1


GoDaddy moved me to a new server that has modsecurity on for docx, since it's a shared environment I cannot disable it to allow docx uploads....hope this helps someone else.

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