I'm running into a problem with Assets & Structure Entries 1.3.4 & 1.2.8 — effectively it boils down to the fact that my Assets field only returns the filename, not the entire folder path.

Here's a couple of examples:

{exp:channel:entries channel="staff"}
  {staff_photo} - returns /ee-uploads/images/staff/filename.jpg

That works as expected, however if I need to do this within Structure Entries:

{exp:structure_entries depth="1" parent="9"}
  {staff_photo} - returns filename.jpg but not the full path
  {staff_photo:url} - returns nothing just the tag

I've also tried adding parse inward to this tag:

{exp:structure_entries depth="1" parent="9" parse="inward"}
  {staff_photo} - returns filename.jpg but not the full path
  {staff_photo:url} - returns nothing just the tag

However I get the exact same result with or without parse="inward". Does anyone have any ideas I'm really stuck here. It's worth noting that this problem doesn't arise when using the build in Structure tag of exp:structure:entries but I need access to the {current_page} variable available within the Structure Entries plugin as well as a couple of other features. Any help would be really appreciated at this point.

ExpressionEngine: 2.6.1 / Assets: 2.1.3 / Structure 3.3.10 / Structure Entries 1.3.4


EDIT: It's worth noting that when I add the parse inward tag I do get this error:

  Severity: Notice

  Message: Undefined property: Assets_ft::$row

  Filename: assets/ft.assets.php

  Line Number: 1094
  • Hey Ben, Could you ping us at [email protected], preferrably with CP access (FTP as well would be perfect) so we can look into this for you? Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 6:19
  • This isn't a problem with Assets, but the way that structure_entries parses third-party fieldtypes. Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 8:13

3 Answers 3


the issue is that Structure Entries doesn't parse the newer variable references (e.g. {staff_photo:url}) and it only parses EE file paths:


Alas the add-on is very old and tries to manually parse each row and each fieldtype it supports (only aimed at supporting Playa and Matrix originally).

Apologies for this suggestion as this is a fudge fix, but try

{exp:structure_entries depth="1" parent="9"}
  {exp:assets:files filename="{staff_photo}"}{url_huge}{/exp:assets:files}

Ref: http://docs.pixelandtonic.com/assets/templating/module/files.html

Failing that: https://github.com/rsanchez/parse_file_paths

  • Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately using the exp:assests:files loop method doesn't work. Will have a look at my other options before trying the Parse File Paths.
    – Ben
    Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 23:56

I have added an updated version of parse_file_paths by rsanchez as a fork which now will work in EE 3.x and up.

All I did was to add the addon.setup.php file to the zip file with the appropriate fields filled in. The original code still works like a champ!

This works very well with the Query module. It takes the raw results containing {filedir_X} and expands that into the actual file path, using a routine already in the typography.php library in EE but for some reason that is not used by the query module by default. This little addon makes up for that.

  • You can now see the new "parse_file_paths" in action by performing a search on this page ncwildflower.org/plant_galleries/all_fields_search -- the results page loads the thumbnails on the left in a loop driven by the query module getting the image paths from that plugin. (in EE 5.2.1 as of this writing) Commented Mar 14, 2019 at 23:54

In case anyone else is still stuck on this, I was able to solve this using Peter's solution, with a slight variation on the assets:files syntax:

{exp:structure_entries depth="1" parent="9"}
  {exp:assets:files folder="*" keywords="{staff_photo}" recursive="yes"}

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