In BR's settings, it is possible to limit the number of products displayed in the catalog and paginate the results. However, that seems to set the limit for any and all catalogs referenced throughout the site.
What I'm looking for is a way to limit it per template; for example on the main page, it is a separate template from the 'products' page, and a separate 'catalog'. I want to change the product results shown on the main page to something small, say, four products, while still allowing the products shown on the "products" page, to stay at the default setting of $N.
I looked through the BR docs and 'limit' does not seem to be an optional template variable or parameter. I've tried setting it by using {exp:channel:entries channel="channel-name" limit="4"} but no matter where I place it in the template, it just shows the default product count, set at 8, four times over.
I tried the same without the {exp:brilliant_retail:catalog} code and it displayed nothing, even though I was specifying the url_title. I also tried by category ID, I presume I have that info by hovering over the edit link in the BR category settings, I'm not entirely sure. But that did not work either.
Is there a way to do what I'm seeking to do? Maybe I'm just missing something obvious? Thanks.
exp:channel:entries channel="???" dynamic="no"
however I'm not sure if this is how products are handled with BrilleientRetail. Did you ask on their supporrt forums? with such a price tag I'm ure they'll offer some assistance!