I'm running out of ideas, could you please tell me what am I doing wrong? When trying to validate my rss feed I get the error that pubDate is in incorrect format. Even though it looks the same as advised in specs (well to me at this stage). Can you spot the error?
{exp:rss:feed channel="{master_channel_name}" debug="yes"}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{encoding}"?>
<rss version="2.0"
<atom:link href="http://www.yourpeakstate.com" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<atom:link href='http://pubsubhubbub.superfeedr.com/' rel='hub' />
<dc:rights>Copyright {gmt_date format="%Y"}</dc:rights>
<admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="http://expressionengine.com/" />
{exp:channel:entries channel="blog_post" limit="10" dynamic_start="on" disable="member_data"}
<pubDate> {gmt_entry_date format="%D, %j %M %Y %H:%i:%s %Q"} </pubDate>
<guid>{page_url}#When:{gmt_entry_date format="%H:%i:%sZ"}</guid>
<description><![CDATA[<img src="{main_post_image}" alt="{post_title} - Your Peak State"> {blog_content_1} {blog_content_2}]]></description>
<dc:subject>{exp:xml_encode}{categories backspace="1"}{category_name}, {/categories}{/exp:xml_encode}</dc:subject>
Here is validation error: https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yourpeakstate.com%2Frss%2Farticle-feed
I might be blind though as I've been looking at this for the past 2 hours...
It Tells me this should be the output:
<pubDate>Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 EST</pubDate>
<pubDate>Wed, 02 Oct 2002 13:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<pubDate>Wed, 02 Oct 2002 15:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
But this is the output I get:
<pubDate>Thu, 06 Aug 2015 17:50:00 +00:00</pubDate>