Im constructing a website with four 'microsites' that have roughly identical page structures. Another relevant point here is that while the content and page structures will be effectively identical, the visual aesthetic (colors, textures, type) will be substantially different.
For example, each microsite will contain:
These pages will occur on all of the 'microsites', hence the desire to make a template that will structure all the 'about' pages. Ideally this would then grab the appropriate style/content information based on a url segment. There may instances where one microsite will contain a page that another does not.
In response to comment, for clarity
urls would occur something like this:
The vital bit to this is that the structure is identical.
The aesthetic and content are specific to each microsite and page thereof.
I would like to use the same template for each page so in the event the layout changes im only updating the 'home' template in one location rather than for each 'microsite'. Im really not sure how to best approach this using standard channel/template/entry setup.
My initial theory was to setup channels for each of the repeated pages. For example, I would have a channel dedicated to 'home' pages, a channel dedicated to 'services', etc. This would only seem to work if I was able to load channels dynamically based on url segments. I fully admit that this maybe a flawed approach that may not even work, but I can't think of a better solution.
Im totally open to any ideas (unorthodox or not). Thanks in advance.