In an add-on, I'd like to get a list of entries (events) ordered by the first upcoming occurrence of that event. For example:

  • Event X: 2016-01-05 and 2016-01-08 (2 occurrences)
  • Event Y: 2016-01-07, 2016-01-08 and 2016-01-09 (3 occurrences)
  • Event Z: 2016-01-04 and 2016-01-09 (2 occurrences)

On 2016-01-02, I should get a list of Z, X, Y. On 2016-01-06, I should get a list of Y, X, Z.

I'm not sure where to begin here. Querying the calendar_events_occurrences seems incomplete.

2 Answers 2


Okay, I was able to get what I needed, mainly with the help of a query similar to this one:

SELECT entry_id, MIN(start_date) AS start
    (SELECT entry_id, start_date FROM exp_calendar_events)
    (SELECT entry_id, start_date FROM exp_calendar_events_occurrences)
) AS events
WHERE start_date >= '20160101'
GROUP BY entry_id

...which gives me all entry/event IDs in the order of their first occurrence, from the given date onward.


If I understand your question properly, the template tag you'd want to use is Calendar:Cal

This tag allows you to display a chronological list of events with all occurrences. You can also check out the Getting Started documentation which explains the differences between each Calendar tag, used to achieve different things. :)

So, if you're making a Day view page you code might look something like this:

    {if segment_3 == ''}
    {if segment_3 != ''}
        <div class="header">
            <div style="float: left; width: 20%;">
                <a href="{path='calendar/day'}{prev_day format="%Y/%m/%d"}/">
            <div style="float: left; width: 60%; text-align: center;">
                <h1>{date format="%l, %F %d, %Y"} ({day_event_total} events)</h1>
            <div style="float: right; text-align: right; width: 20%;">
                <a href="{path='calendar/day'}{next_day format="%Y/%m/%d"}/">
            <br style="clear: both;" />
                {date format="%g:%i %a"} ({hour_event_total} events)
            <div class="event">
                <div class="head">
                        <a href="{path='calendar/events'}{event_id}/">
                {if event_all_day}
                        {event_start_date format="%Y-%m-%d"}
                        {if event_end_date}
                            - {event_end_date format="%Y-%m-%d"}
                        {event_start_date format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"}
                        {if event_end_date}
                            - {event_end_date format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"}
                        This event lasts {event_duration_days} days 
                        {event_duration_hours} hours 
                        {event_duration_minutes} minutes.
                        From calendar:
                        <a href="{path='calendar/calendars'}{event_calendar_id}/">
                <div class="body">
                        Details: {event_summary}<br />
                        Location: {event_location}
  • Not really what I mean. I was looking for a pointer how to get the first occurrence only via php, no templating involved. So, for event ID 1 to 10 (for example) I need them ordered by their first occurrence.
    – Low
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 21:34

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