I am using Cartthrob_shipping_by_location_price_threshold plugin for Cartthrob.

What I need is to have a shipping by location price but, sometime I have software products, and this software products has shipping tax 0.

There is a function get_shipping() in the Cartthrob_shipping_by_location_price_threshold class:

public function get_shipping()
    $location = '';
    $customer_info = $this->core->cart->customer_info();

    $location_field = $this->plugin_settings('location_field', 'shipping_country_code');
    $backup_location_field = $this->plugin_settings('backup_location_field', 'country_code');

And I would like to override this function. One other thing, how can I access a product shipping price? As I see the shipping price field was added from Channel Administration -> Field Editor

    foreach ($this->core->cart->items() as $item)

1 Answer 1


(I'm with Vector, the people behind CartThrob)

Instead of overriding this, you should just create your own shipping plugin. You can duplicate Cartthrob_shipping_by_location_price_threshold in its folder, rename it, and update the class names/friendly name. Then you can implement any logic changes to get_shipping() you'd like.

For item price, are you looking for this?

foreach ($this->order('items') as $row_id => $item) {
    $price = $item['price'];

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