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Parse custom field data in entry_submission_end_hook

What I'm trying to do is parse the custom field data sent to the entry_submission_end hook. Here's what I was able to dissect out of the channel entries module, but what I'm confused is how to ...
leblancexplores's user avatar
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Problem parsing deep arrays with parse_variables()

I have a problem with the parse_variables() method once my data contains an array at a certain depth: foreach ($cvs->result_array() as $id => $row) { $variables[] = array( 'id' => ...
Russ Back's user avatar
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Addon development - make visible to Member permissions?

Using EE 3.5.1. I have made a simple extension to allow a logged in user manage a single settings() text field. However, I cannot grant access to this add-on to other Member Groups because it does not ...
Robert's user avatar
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EE4 Module Tab on Template Editor Page

Is there a way to add a tab on the publish form within the Template Manager like it is with the Channels? For example, the Template Manager has the default Edit, Notes, Settings and Access form tabs. ...
Miura-shi's user avatar
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Using hooks in EE3 calling methods in extensions from modules

I'm new to hooks, so pardon any ignorance in the questions... So in my extension, (ext.staree.php), I have the following specifying the hook: class Staree_ext { public $hooks = array('...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Date Input Field in CP View

Is it possible to have a date input field in a control panel view page? Is there any kind of build in javascript library for the date calendar etc? Thank you.
ccdavies's user avatar
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Module Settings Column

I am creating a competition website. For the competition I am creating a custom module. The module has a cp backend where I want to be able to add some details about the competition. For example, ...
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