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Questions tagged [memory]

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1 answer

Trouble saving templates especially if there are more than a few lines in it

I have this weird problem where templates are sometimes saved and sometimes not. I would guess it has to do with a memory issue of some kind but I don't know where to look. I run EE 5.3.2 fresh ...
mcwhitey's user avatar
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1 answer

Viewing member in CMS gives fatal error: Allowed Memory Size Exhausted

when trying to view specific members in the CMS, I'm getting this error all of a sudden with my new dreamhost server. Anyone know how to fix this? doesn't happen with all members just some it seems. ...
Chief's user avatar
  • 117
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1 answer

load entries by batches

I have a channel entries tag that has to load (sometimes) more than 3000 entries and I'm running into memory issues. I'm looking for a way to build the page by batches (with javascript?) and display ...
laurent's user avatar
  • 225
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1 answer

Solspace Calendar - Server Errors and Memory Issues

I am running Calendar 1.8.13 on EE 2.8.1 and I am getting 500 Server Errors and Memory warnings when I try and access calendar event detail pages. Here is the memory error: Fatal error: Allowed ...
forrest's user avatar
  • 1,068
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1 answer

Modules/Add-ons loading on all pages

I'm finding a few add-ons/modules that are loading on every page/template even if they are not being called in that template. For example, the Solspace Favorites module seems to constantly be coming ...
DanH's user avatar
  • 137
3 votes
2 answers

Memory error crippling site. Ideas for how to debug?

A client of mine just reported getting the following error when trying to edit one specific entry via the EE control panel: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What's the best practice for rendering a high number of entries with exp:channel:entries?

I'm running into memory issues with a page that lists lots (hundreds, eventually 1000+) of little news items that consist of a title, date, and sometimes brief description. These are each channel ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Runaway memory usage on 2 of 3 servers - strange situation

I have a client site that was updated to ee2 (2.5.0) about 15 months ago. Its at The host both after and before that upgrade is Everything worked fine. ...
Chad Crowell's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

/member URLs getting hammered, locking up server

Please note: The /member URL has been reconfigured already. The issue is traffic on the non-existent URL. I have a client who has been running EE 1.6.1. He recently inquired with me about a large ...
Mark J. Reeves's user avatar