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Questions tagged [channel-images]

Channel Images is a custom fieldtype built by DevDemon which adds Multi Image Upload including Remote Storage and Image Management capabilities.

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Update expression engine channel entry content

I'm new to expression engine so my question might not sound right to most people. I'm trying to update the content for a channel entry but not sure whether it's possible or not. I checked the channel ...
Afifa's user avatar
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Check domain where site data SEO is being plugged into

I need to be able to plug in a page URL on Facebook and Twitter and display different images. I imagine this can be done with the og:type, but how do I check the domain in which the image is being ...
mes's user avatar
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Channel Entry Model how do I get file url in grid field?

This question follows this one $entry = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry') ->filter('entry_id', $entry_id) ->first(); $entry->$field_id_5; // NULL $field_id_5 is a grid field that stores ...
laurent's user avatar
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Solspace Calendar - Grid Field & Channel Images + Conditionals

I'm displaying a list of events and details on a page. Replacing the current channel:entries tag pair with the Solspace Calendar:Events tag. I cannot work out how I am meant to display the current ...
ZEDG's user avatar
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Channel Images field messing up display of channel form

EE 4.3.8 Channel Images 7.1.0 I have a channel form that contains a Channel Images field. But this field is causing the entire output of the template to be wrapped in a <pre> tag pair which ...
Greg Fensterman's user avatar
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Channel Images on EE 3.5 error uploading files - no detailed message given

EE 3.5.15 Channel Images 6.0.4 PHP 7.2.13 I'm experiencing a weird error with Channel Images addon, i am not more able to upload files in channels' existing items or new ones. The file looks like is ...
jacknife's user avatar
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Channel Images database error

I have Channel Images 7.0.0 installed on EE 3.5.16 (MSM). If I go to Channel Images settings I get the following error: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'database-name....
user2265915's user avatar
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Channel Image 7.0 error

I have updated my EE2 to EE4, I am now updating Channel Image addon. he works in the control panel, but in template I get a white page. If I debug the addon I get the following problem: at ...
Hassan Alasady's user avatar
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Relationships and channel images

I'm trying to get channel images to show within a ee relationship. All the title and links show correctly, but the images are not showing at all. Running EE 3.5.7 and channel images 6.0.3 I'm using ...
Graham CopeKoga's user avatar
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Add multiple images at once

I am using Channel Images v 7.0.0 with EE 4.2 The capability to add multiple images at once - that is intended for just one channel entry, correct? For example, I have a page showing a company's ...
Steve VanHove's user avatar
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EE4 - Channel Images exception caught

Today I updated my website to ExpressionEngine 4 without much trouble. However, there's one thing I cannot get fixed. Apparently the Channel Images plugin is giving errors, but I really don't know ...
julimedia's user avatar
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Stored images limit per entry - Channel Images

I have an entry with 125 images in a channel images field. Since the website is multi-linugal, a related entry needs to have the same number of images. However, the limit of stored images seem to be ...
Noor M's user avatar
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Images with Accent Mark Characters in Filename Not Showing

I've done everything that I can think of to fix this issue and I can't seem to get an image to output when it has an accent mark in the file name. The same image will show when an à is changed to a. ...
owenscorey's user avatar
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PHP 7 Error with ChannelImages: Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in…

I'm getting this error when trying to upload an image with ChannelImages 5.4.19 with EE 2.11.7: Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /home/omart/public_html/system/...
Ty Morton's user avatar
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ChannelImages Fatal Error PHP 7

I'm getting the following fatal error when trying to load EE 2.11.2 with ChannelImages 5.4.19 under PHP 7/7.1: Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /home/omart/...
Ty Morton's user avatar
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Has Channel Image 6.0.3 been made available?

Hi there I just downloaded the latest version and uploaded but the version still says 6.0.2 and the bug persists. Images disappear after setting the cover image. Many thanks
Maza's user avatar
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Fatal error: Call to undefined method ChannelImagesUpdate_50400::update()

Fatal error: Call to undefined method ChannelImagesUpdate_50400::update() in /var/www/vhosts/site/sysdata/user/addons/channel_images/upd.channel_images.php on line 215 I recently upgraded a site that ...
Juliana's user avatar
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Channel Images and Channel Form

Am using the following code for channel images field to be displayed on the frontend using channel form tag. <label for="ad_uploads">Upload your images</label> {field:ad_uploads} However,...
Noor M's user avatar
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Where do I install DevDemon's Channel Images in EE 3.3?

I'm trying to install Channel Images on my EE 3.3 site. The install says: Installing Within the /system/expressionengine/third_party/ directory, copy the channel_images folder into your sites ./...
new's user avatar
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Channel Images with EE3

I'm in the process of upgrading a client's website with EE3 and see that a version of Channel Images is available. However the channel images documentation still references the EE2. If there is a ...
user2254532's user avatar
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Can I export Channel Images data to Grid?

I set up a site with Channel Images, but now the client wants more information to go with each image than is really possible with Channel Images, so I'm thinking of making it a Grid. The question: is ...
edward's user avatar
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How to use the Channel Images' "images static"?

I have a channel that has a text field and a Channel Images field; I want the images to accompany the text. I'm keeping the image information (the CSS, etc) in a snippet and using Hop Inject to place ...
edward's user avatar
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EE3 DevDemon Channel Images fatal error when trying to render template

ExpressionEngine 3.1.2 Channel Images 6.0.1 The addon installed ok. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing and had no change. The field was created ok. The location check passed. However, when ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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independent gallery not related to an entry

We are using channel-images for all our websites, but facing one big questions which always comes up. A gallery is always created per entry, also folder of the gallery is named by the ID of the entry....
Thomas Hartmann's user avatar
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Channel Images tag pair breaks page parsing

I am using channel image 5.4.2 and as per docs I trying simple template like": <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> </head> <...
Vladyn's user avatar
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Why is Channel Images searching for images in the cache folder?

I cloned a site to overhaul it, meaning I copied over all files and databases, but following the instructions in the ExpressionEngine User Guide to upgrade (from 2.5.2 to 2.10.2) I cleared all caches. ...
Bobe's user avatar
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Will changing the order of Channel Images categories screw anything up?

I've set up a "Channel Images" field that has a comma-separated list of categories. The client wants to modify the order of that list. If I change the order of those categories, will that mess ...
Jason Morehead's user avatar
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Channel images and Expressionengine MSM

I am using the latest version of EE2 and DevDemons channel images. When i duplicate a site, any channel entry with channel images or channel videos have lost the images & videos. I assumed when ...
Simon's user avatar
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Channel Images ver 6 upload error

When I attempt to upload an image using Channel Images v. 6.0 with EE v. 3.0.6 I get the following error: "The Local Temp dir is either not writable or does not exist" Both the upload dir and the ...
Benjamin Lake Hamilton's user avatar
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Cannot delete channel image

I have a channel image field set in one of my channels. Curiously this field allows me to delete an image from one channel entry but on another channel entry it allows me to unlink the image instead. ...
dorothy Dorothy's user avatar
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Channel Images: "success":"no","body":"No file was uploaded or file is not allowed by EE.(See EE Mime-type settings)."}

I am getting a error every time I try and upload an image using channel images. There's no file size or dimension restrictions in upload preferences, its a simple .jpg about 50kb. Max upload is set ...
Mark's user avatar
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Before and after images for each entry

I have a channel for "projects", and each project has multiple before and after images associated with it. What would be the best way of organizing this in terms of channel fields? I'm currently using ...
Bobe's user avatar
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Channel Image regeneration error

I'm running Channel Images 5.4.18 with EE2.9.2. I'm working on a copy on a development server doing updates. When I go to regenerate an image size, I'm getting error messages like this, and it won't ...
edward's user avatar
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Listing the channel name with an image in Channel Images?

I want to have a front page gallery that is comprised of images from different channels, and I want to have the title of the channel that the image comes from to appear with the image. My plan was ...
edward's user avatar
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User upload of multiple image files to channel entry via channel form

I'm trying to set up a front-end file upload form, in which the user uploads (max 2) image files to a channel entry. I've seen reference to DevDemon's Channel Images as being the likely candidate to ...
Steve Haworth's user avatar
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Channel Images: possible way to let client switch from Tile to Table view?

I'd like to be able to allow a client to switch the Channel Images channel entry screen from Table to Tile, but I don't want the client to actually have access to the field settings (to keep things ...
edward's user avatar
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Larger thumbnails in Channel Images Tile view?

I did a CSS hack (that Brad recommended) to make the thumbnails in the entry screen larger. I'm wondering if there's a similar hack I can make to make the thumbs in the Tile view larger? Thanks!
edward's user avatar
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Submitting data to Channel Images from outside EE

I run sports leagues, and want to have an interface where my photographers can upload images for a particular game in our system. I've added some custom fields so that the photos can be tagged with ...
Chad Day's user avatar
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Channel Images - Call to undefined method stdClass

We did a migration of an EE website from a server to DigitalOcean. After we managed to change every route and everything, it seems that we can't upload images into channel images anymore. it gives ...
Klauss's user avatar
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Cannot upload a photos (channel images) when using Channel Form

I am using channel form to create a new entry in my gallery and use {field:gallery_images} to display the channel images field. On the form when I try and click on the upload images button nothing ...
Scott Boyde's user avatar
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Channel Images import hangs

I have a site where Channel Images' Upload works and images are displayed but Import simply hangs. Also, Channel Images is generating long randomly-named directories in the site's home directory and ...
Adam Khan's user avatar
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Channel Images Uncaught TypeError: $.base64Decode is not a function

I'm trying to use Channel Images in a front-end Channel Form situation. I have the channel images appearing, but the Upload Images button does not respond to clicking, and when I use the developer ...
soire's user avatar
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Channel Image - get detailed image by ID

I want to get the image detail by its ID rather than the URL. Here is my code that is not working. List page {exp:channel:entries channel="gallery"} {gallery_images} <li> <a href="/...
user2064047's user avatar
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Matrix, Drag and Drop Upload

i'd like to combine Channel Images with Matrix, or at least a Drag and Drop File upload for a Matrix Field. I couldn't find anything like that, so maybe someone here can help Is it possible to upload ...
guest_29_06_2015's user avatar
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Multi-site manager Channel Images

I'm having a Multi-site manager setup and am using Channel Images as image upload. On the first site, everything goes well. Let's call it The images are uploaded to /server/...
Rien's user avatar
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EE and Channel Images Copy and Paste

Has anyone noticed a problem when trying to add a CI description with copy and right click to paste into the description field? For me it is not being saved, if I paste it then re-type one letter or ...
David Proudfoot's user avatar
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Possible to have larger thumbnails in Channel Images entry screen?

I've gone through the Channel Images documentation, but didn't find this issue addressed. In the entry screen (in table form) the thumbnail of the images is quite small -- so small, that it's ...
edward's user avatar
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using "if else" conditionals with Channel Images

I'm trying to make a "previous" button link dependent on a couple of conditions: 1) if there's a previous image, it links to that; 2) if there is no previous image, it goes to the main portfolio page. ...
edward's user avatar
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Channel Images in Wygwam, images dissapear

So, the Channel Images input for Wygwam works fine. We can add an image to the wygwam field, save it, and voila. When we edit the entry though, click the wygwam to edit, the images disappear. Not ...
Rien's user avatar
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Wygwam not retaining Channel Images images

I want to use the Channel Images integration for Wygwam, but there seem to be two issues: 1.) No matter which size I choose for the image, it always uses the smallest image (I have 3 sizes set in the ...
user2265915's user avatar