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Questions tagged [multiple-channels]

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Conditional statement using two different channels

I have two channels setup, one "blog" and one "authors". The blog channel has all of the blog post entries and the Authors channel has a list of the different post authors. I am looking on a ...
C. Denkers's user avatar
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Channel Entries not showing when viewing the entries detail page

I'm about to run out screaming! I have a news/index template and news/article that views fine until I add a third segment eg: news/article/test. The only channel entry that appears on the news/...
lanceb's user avatar
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Single entry with multiples pages

I search how to have a entry with multiple pages if the product created has multiples colors. Indeed, i work on a product website and my client want to have the possibility to define a product in ...
jca0310's user avatar
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Multiple channel entries on the same page?

I'm creating a site that uses a masonry grid layout as the homepage. It's designed in a way that the content is organised semi-randomly (I've chosen the randomness). I have portfolio images, which ...
Elliot's user avatar
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Multiple Channel Entries on homepage

Noob question, but trying to get all channels to show single entry by latest date on the homepage of the site. User guide says leave blank and will default to all, but no luck. I have 71 channels and ...
fitdesign's user avatar
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Create a menu from a different channel on page with separate channel loop

I have a channel rendering a page. I need to make a menu for a different channel with in that page. the two do not seem to be able to work independently. Is there a way to do this maybe something ...
Eric's user avatar
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Using Parameters on a Multi Channel / Channel Tag

What I am trying to accomplish is a timeline view, the timeline results are spread over multiple entries, however all of those entries are linked by a field that has a matching id. For Example ...
mattsidjohn's user avatar
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Registering for different events, with each event having its own registration questions

I'm attempting to map out and build a fundraising website that would allow for an organisation to set up multiple events during the year. Users would be able to register for these events and get ...
David Leitch's user avatar
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How do I display matrix fields inside of a relationship field (channel entry)?

Anybody have an answer? I am trying to do this in EE 2.6, but the matrix fields don't display. I have a channel (fruit) with a relationship field to another channel. That channel (kinds) has a matrix ...
Crow Baby's user avatar
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creating channels / custome fields via a module

I've been asked to create a competition module for EE. I think that it'd be best to have the module create a new channel and custom fields. I can create my own tables and have a nice separate area, ...
Beertastic's user avatar
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Different values of checkbox for different members?

I'm trying to make a 'learning' site, something similar to Codecademy but for a small company. The setup at the moment is that I have a Training channel, with description and courses channel fields. ...
Karen's user avatar
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simple search not including some channels in results

For some reason news does not get included in the search results on this site, apparently it never did and people didn't notice until a year or so later. This is the search code {exp:search:...
user2752's user avatar
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Components based globally

Just a quick post to find out if something is possible or not within EE. We have been looking at the easiest way of trying to make certain blocks of code within our sites global. What we are doing is ...
Dave Price's user avatar
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if 2 channels on one page ie: if channel == "channel1"

I am trying to display one entry (most recent) on my home page from 2 different channels. So ChannelA and ChannelB. {exp:weblog:entries weblog="weblogA|weblogB" limit="1" sort="asc" ...
Peter Eastwood's user avatar
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Multiple channel entry tags on a single template - Have content not repeat itself

I'm fairly new to Expressionengine, as I have taken over a site which a developer helped me build. So I'm still learning all the different things about it. My problem is this - I have a template (...
Daniel M's user avatar
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Creating a chronological list from 2 channels and sorting by 2 different fields

I'm building a loyalty scheme system in which customers log purchases they have made and when approved they are allocated points. These points are used to 'purchase' rewards. I have most of the ...
foamcow's user avatar
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