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Questions tagged [child-categories]

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3 answers

Are categories really needed with ExpressionEngine?

Basically I have around 20,000 items that I want to build out pages for. They do have a category and a single subcategory. So far I have had a nightmare time trying to import them into EE ...
Jeff's user avatar
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how to pull the child id from a segment

I have a single entry page that has a child category selected only (not the parent just the child selected) I have a Solspace Calendar event entry which has the same child category selected. Is ...
Peter Eastwood's user avatar
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How do I output the full URL for an entry, including the category paths?

I'm try to output an Entry URL like this, which includes the Category URL Titles: /products/category/sub-category/sub-sub-category/entry-url-title But I can't work out how to achieve this. Any ideas ...
IC360 Oliver Cannell's user avatar
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Show a list of subcategories for current category

I'm trying to develop a simple product catalog using categories; I use Transcribe plugin, also. I've got main categories CAT1 (id4), CAT2 (id5), CAT3 (id6), CAT4 (id7) and subcategories of CAT1: ...
deste's user avatar
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2 answers

if Child Categories, esle show Entries

I'm looking to show parent categories that have children, but if parents have no children, I need to show channel entries for the parent cats using the same segment_3. {if "child_categories"!=""} ...
Denny Smith's user avatar
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How to give categories open/closed status?

Long story short, I have a situation where categories are treated like channel entries as far as generating lists of content on the front-end (using gwcode_categories inside channel entries.) I have a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Category Parent & Children Loop Layout Help

I'm trying to create a specific layout that makes use of categories and category children. I'm trying to use GW Code Categories but can't seem to make the layout work as I need it to. I basically ...
mediapimp's user avatar
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Show sub categories where location has jobs

I have a category group that's attached to several channels, including the jobs channel. This isn't the way I'd have configured this initially but never mind. I have 2 parent categories USA & ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Sub Category attached to multiple Parent Categories

Long story short I have a client I’m currently working on an EE build for, they want a download page where by each download can be found by navigating through category and sub categories so on and so ...
Rowan Cottle's user avatar
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Channel Entries - Structure / Categories / URLs

I've spent so many hours trying to work this issue out. Aggravating. I have a channel "Baler", this channel has various categories and these categories have sub categories. eg: Balers - Parent ...
Sam Crowe's user avatar
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2 answers

Channel Categories: Display all categories so each parent is a header and children are a list

I am displaying all of a channel's parent and child categories. The client's design is kinda tricky so the goal is each parent group is in a row, each parent name is in a tag and its children are in a ...
Darwin Spratt's user avatar
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1 answer

Show only parent when segment 3 is active and dynamic

I have a simple entry with categories and children. Parent A Child A Child B When an entry is set to ONLY Parent A I want that entry to display. BUt what happens is the children entry is ...
Peter Eastwood's user avatar
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How do I reference a sub-category using {categories} tag pair?

I am using the {categories} tag pair to link entries to their relevant section, however, when I use the following code it does not display child categories. {exp:channel:entries channel="section" ...
forrest's user avatar
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Nested categories without ul or other formatting

We have a 3 level category structure set up for a site. I would like to output these categories as JSON, while keeping the structure intact. As far as I can see, EE's native categories only allow ...
jarsta's user avatar
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Show a list of child categories plus it's entries

I need to show a list of child categories plus it's entries. I had done this great using a child categories extension but now I need the ability to use Low Reorder. I have tried numerous ways get them ...
MikeeBee's user avatar
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3 answers

Having trouble with a conditional with Child Categories Navigation

I am using Laisvunas' Child Categories plugin on my site and am having some issues with conditionals on setting the selected navigation element for styling purposes. For example on this page: http://...
forrest's user avatar
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Automatically assign parent category to child category url's

I have multiple parent categories: Kids Stuff Dining Out Things to Do Each of those parents have multiple children: Kids Stuff -> Schools, Camps, Parties Dining Out -> Restaurants, Catering Things ...
Mel's user avatar
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