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Questions tagged [csv]

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Stripping line breaks from a template

I'm working on two templates which use the same snippet for outputting data. One is a HTML template which displays a table, the other forces the download of a CSV. With some conditionals I've set up ...
Tyssen's user avatar
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Splitting a string into a Stash list?

For an EE3 site, I'd like to split a CSV or pipe delimited string (i.e. avi,david,sam or maybe avi|david|sam) and have each segment added to a Stash list. I've looked at BBD Stringer ($6) on Devot-ee ...
Brooks Seymore's user avatar
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4 answers

Exporting Products to a CSV

Is there a way of exporting all products and data to a CSV file from carthrob expression engine v2.8.1? Kind regards, Dan
Dan's user avatar
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Solspace Importer: "The following field is required:, The following field is required:"

I try to import a CSV with Solspace Importer, but I am unable to do so, because of an unhelpful error message: The following field is required:, The following field is required: Of course i ...
Rias's user avatar
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CSV upload in Google Maps for ExpressionEngine - PHP error: Filename cannot be empty

I'm trying to upload a csv file in Google Maps for ExpressionEngine (Objective HTML) and get the output below. On my local installation it imports fine but on the live server I get this error. I can ...
beilz's user avatar
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Export it - Zoo Visitor

Has anyone used the following add-on 'Export it' : I am looking to export all Zoo visitor members from the database and I've had no joy with "...
Sam Crowe's user avatar
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Strip line breaks, quotes, HTML out of SQL query result for CKEditor field contents (for CSV output)

I have a very simple "PHP allowed" EE template that queries the EE db and generates CSV reports from it. I need to add to one of these reports the contents of one particular channel field, which ...
Sapphireblue's user avatar
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Save template output to disk?

I have a client in a situation where they need to provide physical CSV files on-disk for various and sundry reasons. The CSV would need to be populated with data fetched from the DB. Now, I can ...
Sandwich's user avatar
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Using Reports module, need first row of CSV to be custom

I am using Nathan Pitman's Reports module to allow our client to export some custom information. I wrote up the SQL query and it works great. The only issue I have is that the first row (the header ...
A Herrera's user avatar
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Solspace Importer not splitting matrix fields from CSV file?

I'm currently trying to import a CSV file using Solspace Importer, and I've mostly gotten my issues worked out. However, I have a column in my csv that needs to be imported into a Matrix field ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Download channel fields to csv file?

We are using Andrew Weaver's DataGrab to upload about 50 fields via a spreadsheet - all works fine (great plugin btw) - what we need though is to somehow do the reverse process: basically take the ...
segovius's user avatar
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Altering CartThrob CSV export settings

A client uses the purchased_item_notes field for customer order notes, and would like to export those in the order reports. This purchased_item_notes content displays on the CMS view of the generated ...
Jess's user avatar
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Using Datagrab module with Structure and blueprints, it is throwing error on edit channel entry

I am having a CSV file and i am using Datagrab module to importing CSV for a channel (eg: XYZ) . It works fine. Also i am using Structure and blueprints module in my project. After successful CSV ...
amit jain's user avatar
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AJW Export download button

I am using the Add-on AJW Export to export member details in CSV format. Each time the page loads the CSV format downloads automatically. Anyone any suggestions how to activate the download via a ...
Sam Crowe's user avatar
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CSV stream containing item name and inventory from client- wishes to display it on product pages. How?

Client has insisted that instead of giving a set quantity for the various items on the Expression Engine\Expresso ecommerce store, they would maintain it internally on their mainframe and divulge it ...
user2543853's user avatar
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datagrab moving from one site to another

I am trying to move the data from one site to another, I can import from datagrab but what is the best (quickest) way to get the data out of the site? CSV or feed - is there a way to auto generate ...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Datagrab - Importing more than one Grid row data for each row in CSV

I have this problem with importing data from CSV Suppose I have CSV that contains a list people. Suppose these people have multiple phone numbers. Given these assumptions, let us try this example ...
developarvin's user avatar
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Datagrab import, P&T dropdown not registering

I'm importing a CSV of around 60 dogs using Datagrab. The import works fine but when I use Solspace Super Search, it seems to be ignoring the gender of the dog (a P&T dropdown field). If I ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Formatting a CSV using Channel Entries

I'm trying to export a CSV of my members using Solspace User. It works fine, except that when I open the CSV in Excel, it actually shows the quotes around the values. I know that obviously my ...
Jason Varga's user avatar
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Creating entries from csv & XML feeds

This is something I have had no experience with whatsoever, so I am hoping that someone can tell me whether it is possible or not. I have a site up and running, and I am looking at starting a section ...
shorn's user avatar
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CSV format file generated from a template, how to prevent Safari on Mac downloading as html file?

I have an Exp Eng template that generate a .csv format file using a channel tag. I also insert the headers of the file using php, as shown below (those are the fist lines of the template). In Firefox ...
Bob Foster's user avatar
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Datagrab Issue: Moved to new server and the library has stopped working

Hi all I have been working with the ExpressionEngine Datagrab library by Andrew Weaver for a while now. The library was working perfectly on our first server but then a client purchased a new server ...
Conor Higgins's user avatar
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Auto generate a csv from Freeform 3.x on server.

how would one be able to get data collected in freeform into a csv on the server. So a CRM can access it via FTP. Is this even possible? I know very little about cron jobs, is there a plugin that ...
Mark's user avatar
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Member Import Alternative

I know you can import members by using the built in import function, but that uses XML. Who keeps their data in XML...? There's the CSV to XML converter, but its hardly client-friendly. Are there any ...
Jason Varga's user avatar
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