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Questions tagged [freemember]

Freemember is a free plugin. It takes some member-templates-only functionality to wherever you like. Read all about it on

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Member Registration Not Always Saving

We have a registration form using freemember, and it works about 95% of the time. In rare instances we get the notification email that someone has registered, but it does not save in the database to ...
B. Glick's user avatar
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Anything like Freemember for EE3?

Or some other means of bypassing the 'thank you, you're logged in' message pages on login/redirect?
segovius's user avatar
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Freemember and custom member fields

I'm using freemember on a user registration form and custom fields are not being passed to the member profile on registration. I've tried both standard m_field_id_22 and freemember member_newsletter ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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Blank / white page while there is an additional segment in the URL

I am using freemember to customize the password change process of EE. It allow to change the default page used for resetting the password. This page is accessed by a link provided in a mail send to ...
Marc-Antoine Charland's user avatar
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Need quick Fix for captcha security flaw in EE 2.x

On the registration form page, you take note of the captcha code and fill the form with errors (i.e.: unmatched passwords). Reload the page , you now have a new captcha image. Fill the form correctly (...
laurent's user avatar
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Freemember with EE 3?

I was wondering if anyone was using or had tested Freemember with the new EE 3.x ? I'm working on upgrading some sites and I used this in a few of them. Thanks!
Eric Nelson's user avatar
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Free member on submit blank page

I'm using Freemember to register members. I have my return parameter set up correctly (see below). When I submit the form the the member does get registered in the back end but the page just goes ...
mebner's user avatar
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Expressionengine - Freemember Email - invalid link sent

We want the email sent with the reset link, but the link being sent is giving an error: "The form you submitted contained the following errors The password reset token does not appear to be valid. ...
Jason Salvo's user avatar
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Call thirdparty module function directly from PHP in template

I'm in a situation where I need to logout the current logged_in member without him clicking a logout link. (Javascript click trigger is not an option.) I'm using the great freemember module (https://...
laurent's user avatar
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2 answers

Freemember login errors with Transcribe

I am using EE version 2.9.2, transcribe 1.6.1 and Freemember 2.3.2 I have a login form which works fine in the original language with error_handling set to inline. However, when I viewed in the ...
dorothy Dorothy's user avatar
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Security test fails on freemember:update_profile form

EDIT This question is related to compliance to a specific security test, the problem has nothing to do with Freemember extension. For the record : The solution found to pass the test was to simply ...
laurent's user avatar
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Where can I change the wording of the Reset Password email FreeMember sends?

The question says it all. Here's the why: When FreeMember sends a password reset email, the text is as follows: [screen_name], To reset your password, please go to the following page: http://www....
Sandwich's user avatar
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Freemember Reset Password

Having difficulty getting the reset password functionality to work. I've got the forgot password template set up which then sends you to the reset password template on submission. On the reset ...
MBM's user avatar
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Freemember Radio Buttons clear on inline errors

I have a member registration page that uses custom fields with freemember. E.g. {exp:freemember:register form_name="co-marketing_apply" return="/apply/thank-you" ...
SteveO's user avatar
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Free member log in is not working

Registration working but with this log in tag its not working , also checked browser network inputs both email and passwords are being passed appreciate any help on this. <div id="login" class="...
sus's user avatar
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Free member is not working

`enter preformatted text here` {exp:freemember:login return="shop/checkout" error_handling="inline" error_delimiters='<span class="error">|</span>'} <p> &...
sus's user avatar
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Freemember form jumps to top on inline_errors

I have a freemember registration form that is working. However my form is at the bottom of the page. When inline errors are triggered, my form jumps to the top of the page, instead of the top of the ...
SteveO's user avatar
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Freemember ID number error

I'm getting the following error using the password reset after following the email link: The form you submitted contained the following errors The ID number you submitted does not appear to be ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Disabling the session tracker for non HTML templates

I have a problem with DevDemon FreeMember where it relies on the native EE session tracker array ( to ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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ExpressionEngine FreeMember conditional return=''

Attempting to return to different pages based on the success or failure of FreeMember Registration on Expression Engine. The default attribute for the return URL is return='', however I cannot seem ...
Derple's user avatar
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AJW Export download button

I am using the Add-on AJW Export to export member details in CSV format. Each time the page loads the CSV format downloads automatically. Anyone any suggestions how to activate the download via a ...
Sam Crowe's user avatar
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Freemember - logout doesn't keep https protocol

I have a https section of my site I am using with Freemember. But when I logout it takes me to the http version. How can I make it logout but stay https? <a href="{exp:freemember:logout_url ...
lelkins001's user avatar
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MSM multisite Front End login Site B members not access SITE A any section

We have Facing Problem While MSM two Different primary & secondary Front End Login . Problem: We have Created member group for secondary site (site B) members Register SITE B member in that group ...
Zeal PD's user avatar
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custom fields in registration form in freemember module

In Freemember module, Can we add Date of Birth and others field or calender in registration form with required field validation?
amit jain's user avatar
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How to create a password for a member logged in via Facebook? i.e. no password set

I have a scenario where I am using Solspace's Facebook Connect to allow users to become a member and login to a website. I would like to give the user the ability to create a password on their ...
Trent Turner's user avatar
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Can Freemember be used for the "Account Activated" EE screen?

EE 2.8.1, Freemember 2.3.2 I'm working on a site where member registration is set to "Self Activation via Email". When a user clicks on the activation link in the email they receive after initial ...
Sandwich's user avatar
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Using FreeMember to record interests (categories) to a member profile

I have a FreeMember based registration form where I want to record a users areas of interest at time of registration and also provide a mechanism to edit those interests after registration through a ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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Handling back button happy users on member sites

We're working on an EE site where we have a multi page registration process using FreeMember. Works great but we're experiencing issues in testing with users opting to use the 'back button' in their ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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6 answers

Can't stop spam registrations, using Freemember

I'm having a nightmare with spam registrations! Can't seem to stop them. We have changed the Profile Trigger Word to something completely random, and use Freemember to register members. We have ...
Laurence Cope's user avatar
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4 answers

How to change member group from front end with Freemember

Let me know any one in Freemember how to update member group when update profile from front end. if not possible in freemember then let me help for any other way for update member group from front ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Using Freemember, I get this message "This website only accept registrations through the main registration form"

I'm using Freemember for my registration form. When I click submit, I get this message: "This website only accept registrations through the main registration form". Any ideas on how to resolve this? ...
Vaughn D. Taylor's user avatar
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Expresso Store and Freemember Autopopulation not working

i have tried to pre-populate the memeber data in checkout template. but prepouplation of any of the custom member field is not working. {exp:store:checkout register_member="yes" next="shop/payment" ...
sus's user avatar
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Member groups, Freemember and self-activation via email?

I am using Freemember to manage my site members information and registration etc, however I have come across an issue with my current setup. I need to use the 'Self-activation via email' option so ...
Wes's user avatar
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Multiple Freemember login forms on one page, prefix tags?

I have to keep the quick login form in the header whilst on the proper login page. This means that if you submit either form with an error, it shows the error messages in the header and in the main ...
Jammooka's user avatar
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Freemember error message

I installed Freemember as an addon module for Expression Engine. I'm still getting this error when I try to set up registration form. Error In order to use the encryption class requires that you set ...
randy melton's user avatar
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Freemember parsing error

Currently using EE 2.7.3 and Freemember 2.3.1. I made sure to create an encryption key first for my config file. I've followed the documentation so far, it's thorough and keeps things minimal. ...
88mpg's user avatar
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How make logged in members auto logout when visiting a certain URL

Maybe strange question, I put it in the setting of this case. I have build a shoppingsite (Carttrob, Profile:edit) where members are logged in after registration. I also use Freemember to bypass EE ...
Hansl's user avatar
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registration forms for mebers groups

I want to create 3 different register forms for 3 member groups. Is this possible within expression engine. I have seen the freemember is theis the best way to achieve this?
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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FreeMember Update Profile only updating screen_name and email, not any other custom fields

I'm having a lingering FreeMember issue where regardless of what I include in the form it will only update the screen_name and the email address. It will not update the street_address, city, state, or ...
Allan Kukral's user avatar
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what must I do to make a AJAX popup window for logging in and out using freemember?

I am looking for an answer how must I code a link to a AJAX popup window for users to login. I have my login link in a menu that is on all my pages. Also logout. I tried to read about this AJAX but I ...
Hansl's user avatar
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ExpressionEngine - Send custom field in New Member Registration Email?

I need to send custom field data to the admin when a user registers. In this example I'm trying to send the ZIPCODE along with other standard fields. I'm using freemember to collect the custom field ...
SteveO's user avatar
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Can the FREEMEMBER module be used with the EE core package?

The login form from the docs works fine and so does the password reset. However I have been unable to register a new member or show a logout link, this is the same issue I had whilst using the ...
MattPW's user avatar
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Custom Member fields to be unique

I am using freemember forms to create my "registration" page. I have two custom member fields "employee last name" and "employee id". I added them in the "custom member fields" section. I need to make ...
Bharath Parlapalli's user avatar
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Just upgraded a site from 2.4 to 2.7.2, get errors when trying to view front-end freemember forms

Has Freemember been updated to work with EE 2.7.2? This is the error I get when trying to access a freemember form on the front end... Error Unable to load the requested class: safecracker_lib Was ...
Mike Lohrman's user avatar
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EE Freemember register with multi lang?

I'm having some trouble using FreeMember and Transcribe. It seems like the member register posts the action to the site url. However, if the site url includes a language prefix the page seems to just ...
Mart's user avatar
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index.php not always removed

I have two weird scenarios concerning index.php in my url. For the most part, it is removed from the url. The two times when index.php reappears in the url is in form return. I'm using Freeform Pro. ...
user1469's user avatar
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New member registration set to require activation, but new registrants are working without it

I'm using Freemember plugin to manage member forms. I just setup a registration form and tried both activation methods, "self activation via email" and "manual activation by administrator". But a ...
Mike Lohrman's user avatar
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Freemember - Set to not Activation Required AND it automatically sets to Pending. How do I change this?

I've built a site using freemember and although there's "no activation requried" it automatically sets the member to "Pending" rather than "Members". I've checked my encryption key and turned off ...
Rebecca Turner's user avatar
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Using custom field in freemember registration form

I have a Select custom member field, how do I display this in the Freemember registration form? it is called "school", the below code does not seem to work, maybe I am doing it wrong? {field:school} ...
Mark's user avatar
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Freemember field helpers textarea

I Have a freemember form. I originally had a comments text area coded manually: <textarea name="register_comments"></textarea> But this meant that the field emptied if you submitted the ...
Ben's user avatar
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