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Saving takes minutes - Timeout when saving an edited entry

I have raised the question a month ago here I need to come back to this. We still have this issue. EE 5.3 with Publisher (but only one language at use for the moment). The website did run for about ...
Werner Gusset's user avatar
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Request Timeout when saving an edited entry

We have a live site that worked ok for some time. Since a day or two we have a strange behavior: when saving some of the entries we get this error Request Timeout This request takes too long to ...
Werner Gusset's user avatar
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EE5: Saving long entries in Control Panel doesn't save and shows website homepage

My client reported that when trying to create a new entry via the Control Panel, she had to add 1 paragraph at a time and keep resaving the entry. At a certain point, she couldn't add any more content ...
Chad Crowell's user avatar
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Shared Form Saving Issues

I am trying to create my own settings form (EE5) using the documentation, but when i am using the function settings_form() & save_settings() and calling the "return ee('View')->make('my_extension:...
James Raffield's user avatar
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Question about saving data

I have a question about saving website coding data. We want to save the data and html page coding of the pages we've created; so if I wanted to use that data to recreate the page, I could do so ...
Alvyn's user avatar
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Conditional Error when saving an entry in the CP cause by status

I'm experiencing a confusing problem that I've narrowed down to a custom status. I have a status for a channel with the following options: Open Close Spec Sold I can save an entry in this channel ...
Stephen's user avatar
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CartThrob Checkout randomly not saving data

EE 2.9.0 CartThrob Pro 2.6 I have a site where orders are placed and the customer chooses the pickup date from a radio selection. The pickup dates are created in the menu channel and then fed into ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Editing an Entry does not update

I'm trying to edit an entry and the page seems to simply refresh, not displaying the usual submitted page that shows made changes etc. I cannot figure out what could be causing this. Hopefully the ...
Ben Racicot's user avatar
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Control panel screen reloads when attempting to save changes on other pages

I usually just experience this at random intervals, but now all the time when attempting to save changes in the Freeform Pro plugin. I am pretty sure this is not just limited to the plugin as I have ...
jfrye's user avatar
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Is it possible to access entry revisions on the front end?

I am looking to create an entry revision site where I can allow users to access/view these on the front-end. Is it possible to access these on the front end as it is in the control panel? Thanks
zizther's user avatar
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EE 2.7.0: Saving a new channel entry brings error "undefined index"

Whenever I save new entry I get the following error message. But the entry is saved. I can open the entry and etdit it. When I save the edited version no error occurs. What does this error message ...
awa's user avatar
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