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Questions tagged [shortlist]

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Shortlist - showing only one item

I am trying to show a list of items (as bookmarked). However, the list only displays one item. {exp:shortlist:view} {if count != ""} <div class="widget clearfix"> <h4>My ...
Noor M's user avatar
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Trying to add items to a Shortlist using my own module

I'm using the Squarebit Shortlist module and extending it to add multiple items at once using my own module. I'm calling shortlist_item_model->add and passing a key array with an entry_id and a ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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Output same entry multiple times in a channel loop

i was wondering if it was possible to output the same entry multiple times using the entry_id parameters on the channel:entries loop. Example: {exp:channel:entries entry_id="14|14|14"} I need this ...
Dibeja's user avatar
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ACT urls have lots of backslashes - "The URI you submitted has disallowed characters."

My logout and other ACT urls all seem to have a lot of backslashes in the URL I'm using the module shortlist and when clicking add it takes you to:
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