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Pages not showing data

I wanted to make a new page "Career Fair" so copied "Admissions" a channel and template, rename it off course. On "Career Fair" I have checked to admission fields. After ...
Tariq Majeed's user avatar
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Feature with Question and Answers

I run a football/soccer site and I am looking to create a feature on my site that asks a member several questions about themselves, club etc. All they will need to do is answer the questions. The ...
Scott Boyde's user avatar
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How to create a Channel Field Group using API

I am creating an extension where on install I am creating a Channel and adding Fields to the Channel using the EE API. I have found all the API functions to do this but the one thing I have not found ...
Trevor Orr's user avatar
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Possible to associate/include image with channel field?

I'm fairly new to EE and currently familiarizing myself with the channels/fields process, and I'm wondering if there's a way-- either natively or with the help of an add-on-- to associate an image or ...
nickpish's user avatar
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Wyvern and CKEDITOR

We're trying to get Wyvern/CKEDITOR to show up on our dashboard that we created. It shows up beautiful in the control panel, just not the dashboard. We've been scouring the web for clues or hints of ...
compiled's user avatar
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Exporting lists of channels and associated fields?

Is there a simple way of exporting all the channels and associated fields? Rather than copying everything out of the channel field groups manually, I'm looking for a simple way (even via a plugin) ...
SamC's user avatar
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Is it possible to populate a select list field from another grid field?

I'm working on a project where the client wants to be able to upload new page background images and then select one for each page/section of the site. A solution I thought might solve this would be ...
Wes's user avatar
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Malformed href using {url} for slider link

I have a slider at the top of my page using this HTML: <div id='top_slider'> {exp:channel:entries channel="home" limit="1"} <!-- <div class="arrow_left white" onclick="slide('...
APAD1's user avatar
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Is there a way to archive old entries

We have a large site with 100k+ entries in exp_channel_data The admin section straggles when trying to edit entries and change or add channel fields. It takes almost 80 seconds to add or alter a field ...
diadyo's user avatar
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Channels Information

In the control panel, you can set channels access for users. In the frontend, I want to get the channels data a user has access to and the fields data it can view. I am not talking about the channel ...
developarvin's user avatar
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EXP template inside another EXP template dosent work

I have install a plugin to get channels. And that was i have used in template {exp:getchannels} {channel_name} {/exp:getchannels} From this I got the result i.e. list of channels. thats ok. working ...
jt.'s user avatar
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Channel field not showing on page with embedded template using Multi-Site Manager

I am using ExpressionEngine 2.5.2 with Multisite Manager. I have one template embedded within another. The parent template is pulling data from 2 sites, and I would like certain information to show up ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
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EE 2.5.5 channel issues

My EE install are having issues with channel fields. Normally, when changing field "Type", you get different options. But in my install, no matter what I set the "Type" field to, I get none options ...
Filadelfia's user avatar
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Limit display of Channel Field based on date

I am asking myself if there is a way of displaying a Channel Field based on date. I have a dedicated channel for the site's indexpage and randomly the client wants to display announcements eg for ...
Marc's user avatar
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Grouped <select> custom field?

I have a safecracker form that allows users to post location details. At the moment, I use a combination of a standard for them to choose the country, and the reegion select fieldtype to select the ...
shorn's user avatar
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same channel field on more than one channel

Is there a way I can use the same field in more than one channel without purchasing an add-on? I have an {image_description} field that I'd like to use in more than one channel. Any work-arounds?
hyphen81's user avatar
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Requiring entry in one of two channel fields? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Fieldtype for 2 dependant fields I am wondering if its possible to have a relationship between two channel fields. For example, lets say you have two text inputs: email and ...
Anthony 'Ants' Nguyen's user avatar
6 votes
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Set default values for radio, checkboxes, selects, etc

When creating a Channel field, such as a radio field type, is there a way to specify that a certain option should be selected by default? Same question for checkboxes, select dropdowns, etc.
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar