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Pages not showing data

I wanted to make a new page "Career Fair" so copied "Admissions" a channel and template, rename it off course. On "Career Fair" I have checked to admission fields. After ...
Tariq Majeed's user avatar
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low_search Field Grid and a relationship inside a column of the grid

I saw a similar question from 5 years ago, but I stumble upon the same question concerning low_search and combination with grid field and inside a column with a relationshipship. Does low_search allow ...
Truong's user avatar
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What field type should I use for currency?

Can someone explain in (easy English) the difference between Number and Integer/Decimal? I understand Integer and Decimal... What is the point of Number? Should I use Number for product prices?
DevServe's user avatar
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Fluid Field Not working

I'm working in EE 5.1.1 and trying to use a fluid field for the first time. I've created the field and added the nested fields however on the publish page it won't let me select a field. When ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Setting up Fields and Logic

I’ve got a filtered portfolio project where the user will be able to add images or videos which pop up (like an overlay) without directing to another page. The user can also opt to add text content ...
Christian's user avatar
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The fluid field dropdown is overflowing the bottom of the control panel

I have around a dozen fields in a fluid field and as I add them the add fluid field drop down over flows the bottom of the page and I cant see most of them. (see image below).Is this a bug or ...
bhackett's user avatar
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How to change other entries values when an entry is saved/updated

I have a channel with some fields. One of them is an on/off value (let's say toggle field type). I want to be sure that I have no more than one entry with on (or true) value for that specific field. ...
Mahdi Y's user avatar
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Fluid fields - How to

I have a question for the best way to display multiple fluid fields. channel: {houses} fluid field: {occupant} fluid sub-field: {name} fluid sub-field: {phone} When I only try and display the names, ...
Jake Covert's user avatar
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Custom Fieldtype: How to check save($data)

Developing a custom fieldtype and having trouble getting the entry data to save to the exp_channel_data table. I know that the data passed must be a string and I am trying to catch the data at the ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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How can I get all the possible values allowed in a multi-select in my template?

I'm using EE 3.5.3 and I have a "use-area" field (in a grid of products) that's a multi-select box. In the template, i need to make a dropdown so you can filter the products by the use-area. Each ...
Don Rhummy's user avatar
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Categories as dropdown

How can I make the categories a select box? Thanks
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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How can I tell if a fieldtype is in use?

I'm trying to clean up my EE install and there are a few third-party fieldtypes that I'm reasonably sure aren't in use. But I'd like to make sure before removing them. Is there any way to tell, other ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Really slow field creation or deletion

I have an issue with creating and deleting field types ,its takes a really long time to do both and sometimes the site times out and when I get back in the field is only half created.I can then save ...
bhackett's user avatar
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How to Display custom fields into tabs?

I’m new to EE and coming from a Drupal background. I’m enjoying learning EE. Question: How do I display the fields from a custom channel into tabs? A perfect example I would like to replicate is ...
RSantos's user avatar
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Problem Pulling Field Info Into Page

I'm having issues posting fields from individual entries to my sites pages. For example, I'm trying to post a form that changes based on the specific type of page that it's on (my Marketing Automation ...
Matt Dowis's user avatar
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Trash tags in variables

While using the EE 3.0.2, I got this trash inside a variables, when using for example {exp:channel:categories} or {exp:channel:category_heading} Ex: {exp:channel:category_heading} <h1> my free ...
morgan chester's user avatar
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Can I import fields into freeform?

I'm overhauling a legacy ee 1.7 site and they use freeform pretty heavily; currently they have about 170 freeform fields(!) - is there a way to import them into a fresh install of freeform? I haven't ...
BellamyStudio's user avatar
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How to make the Rich Text area larger?

I'm using the standard EE 'Textarea (Rich Text)' field (on EE 2.10.1), but no matter what I put in the 'Textarea Rows' field, when viewing the field in the control panel it's only around 150 pixels ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
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Missing Fields in Freeform v4.2.3

Some of my primary fields that are used on multiple forms (like First Name, Last Name, Email) are now missing from the list of available fields. If I try to recreate the field, it says a field with ...
Jared Wohlgemuth's user avatar
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Trying to use the bxSlider by setting the <li> as fields as background images in expressionengine

I am using the bxSlider in full screen (filling entire browser window) mode. To have the images become full screen I set the images in the list as background-image: url images. I created this in html ...
Samantha's user avatar
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Is there any plugin for US map functionality means on clicking the particular area we get the updates about that? [closed]

Map for showing the data on clicking a particular area.
bunny's user avatar
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Category field description

Has anyone seen a plugin or a method where I can set a description for a category field? I have a client who is uploading wrong image dimensions to the category image field. I want to suggest "please ...
joe's user avatar
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Feature with Question and Answers

I run a football/soccer site and I am looking to create a feature on my site that asks a member several questions about themselves, club etc. All they will need to do is answer the questions. The ...
Scott Boyde's user avatar
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Content on a page defined by text in a field, publications by year

I know someone out there has done this before. I need to build a publications page that will show it's list of publications by a given year which has been filled in a channel field. I've googled I ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to create a Channel Field Group using API

I am creating an extension where on install I am creating a Channel and adding Fields to the Channel using the EE API. I have found all the API functions to do this but the one thing I have not found ...
Trevor Orr's user avatar
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Possible to associate/include image with channel field?

I'm fairly new to EE and currently familiarizing myself with the channels/fields process, and I'm wondering if there's a way-- either natively or with the help of an add-on-- to associate an image or ...
nickpish's user avatar
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Where are relationship field data stored?

In the EE database, I see that exp_channel_fields.field_id = 4 refers to a relationship in my Channel-A (channel_id = 1). I assume that channel data for that field should be stored in my ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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In EE 2.9.1 is there a way to removed default fields from the registration page?

In EE 2.9.1 is there a way to removed default fields from the registration page? I see that I can create fields that add to the registration page, but I don't see a way to remove default fields. ...
ridgwd's user avatar
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combining two sets of custom field groups

Ive have a site running for a while with two channels each with there own custom field group. I now find that I need to be able to clone entries from each channel using mx cloner but because each ...
Kippi's user avatar
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Check field length

I want to display one field, called {gearboxx_body}, unless that field has more then 300 characters, in which case I want to display a field called {article_blurb}. I'm pretty sure there isn't a way ...
eshellborn's user avatar
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Moblog parameter to pull sender from email?

I have Moblog running as I'd hoped except how to pull the sender's name from the email. Since the subject line automagically becomes {title}, it seems it should be as simple, but I can't find ...
Jo Craddock's user avatar
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Wyvern and CKEDITOR

We're trying to get Wyvern/CKEDITOR to show up on our dashboard that we created. It shows up beautiful in the control panel, just not the dashboard. We've been scouring the web for clues or hints of ...
compiled's user avatar
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Expresso Store: If member, fill in blank shipping\billing details automatically?

Client wants the check out pages to automatically populate the shipping\billing details if they're a member and have already done it before. Does Expresso have any sort of functionality to ...
Mike's user avatar
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Moblog - Entries aren't created, no error

I've managed to get the moblog to work previously, but now, I can't even get it to create an entry. If there are no emails in the mailbox I'm checking, it says "No valid emails were found", so it ...
Kenny Bones's user avatar
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Can I update a customized fieldgroup GUI across multiple channels?

I apply a particular fieldgroup, "Common", to about 15 channels. I've customized my tabs and locations of the fields to make it easier to use. Every time I add a field, it's added to the bottom of the ...
jphansen's user avatar
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Entry Type field

Has anyone used this add-on: Entry Type field I have it working in the publish page but when I try to use conditionals on the front it fails to work. The developer outlines use as: {if ...
Kippi's user avatar
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Member registration rejecting valid selection option

I have a member registration form with standard fields. One of them is State, which is a Select List with state abbreviations as options. Lately, when users attempt to register, they are told The ...
Michael's user avatar
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List {field2} of entries under a single {field1} when entries have the same {field1}, then move on

I'm using Low Alphabet to list songs - so there's a page for A, B, etc. Each page has on average dozens of songs. The channel type has them broken down into separate fields, so for "Foo (Studio ...
eru's user avatar
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Category as field value?

Is it possible to populate an entry field with categories? When publishing a Structure page, I'd like to be able to select what category of products to display.
Jbird's user avatar
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Moblog - Can't get the template to work

I'm really confused about this moblog feature. And I can't understand what the documentation tells me, I don't feel it distinguish how the moblog template should look like, and what the email template ...
Kenny Bones's user avatar
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absolute path URL in text field causing problems

i've got a text field that i'm using to include an optional url in entries which are used for homepage announcements. if a url is included, the homepage will link to that url. if not, it will link to ...
Shaun Kardinal's user avatar
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How parse channel entry fields content

Is it possible parse ExpressionEngine tags inside the content of another tag? {exp:channel:entries channel="my_channel"} {parseit {my_field}} {/exp:channel:entries} my_field should contain ...
vangogh's user avatar
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Can I migrate/convert a text field containing an <img> into a file field?

I have a text field that's been to featured an image since an earlier EE1 install and I would like to convert it to a File field type, so as to better utilize the image URL throughout different ...
Shaun Kardinal's user avatar
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How to repopulate fields in Zoo:Visitor registration form?

I'm using inline error handling with a Zoo:Visitor registration form. When the form is submitted with an error, such as "The email you chose is not available", the fields do not repopulate with the ...
Mark J. Reeves's user avatar
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Displaying the value of a specific row/column in a matrix channel field

I am attempting to make a dynamic table for some of my products in ExpressionEngine. Right now I have the table data set up as a matrix channel field type. Each of my products has 3 variations with 8 ...
APAD1's user avatar
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Exporting lists of channels and associated fields?

Is there a simple way of exporting all the channels and associated fields? Rather than copying everything out of the channel field groups manually, I'm looking for a simple way (even via a plugin) ...
SamC's user avatar
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Order fields checkout

Best, I want to make a checkout with exp-resso, if you are registered to the fields already filled in. I do this in store-Fields, Orders > settings-> Field Settings The code what I use in ...
Bert Vanhees's user avatar
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Is it possible to populate a select list field from another grid field?

I'm working on a project where the client wants to be able to upload new page background images and then select one for each page/section of the site. A solution I thought might solve this would be ...
Wes's user avatar
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Malformed href using {url} for slider link

I have a slider at the top of my page using this HTML: <div id='top_slider'> {exp:channel:entries channel="home" limit="1"} <!-- <div class="arrow_left white" onclick="slide('...
APAD1's user avatar
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Restoring publish layouts after fixing the disappearing fields bug

So I had a post here. I got the answer I needed and applied the fix, but I can't fix the existing fields from prior entries. Does anyone have a fix for this?
W3bGuy's user avatar
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