First off, I need to start with the fact that I cannot STAND GoDaddy... However, I had an old hosted account from 2002 on there and decided to use it as a dev playground to try some stuff out. I had a local site already function running on WAMP on a Windows machine. When I went to transfer the site to GoDaddy, I have yet, (3 days deep), been able to get it running. Here is what I have done:

  1. Created the Sub Domain (dev)
  2. Created the Database in MySQL
  3. Exported the database from my local MySQL
  4. Imported the previously exported database into the newly created database
  5. Placed the system folder in the webroot (due to GD being persnickity)
  6. Placed the rest of the site in the dev folder for the Sub Domain dev.domain.com
  7. Modified my index.php and admin.php files to reflect the new locations
  8. Updated the database file to reflect the new information:

    $db['expressionengine']['hostname'] = 'dbname.db.acct-number.hostedresource.com';
    $db['expressionengine']['username'] = 'username';
    $db['expressionengine']['password'] = 'password';
    $db['expressionengine']['database'] = 'database';

However, I keep getting the following on admin and site:

An Error Was Encountered
Site Error: Unable to Load Site Preferences; No Preferences Found

So to verify I had the connection strings correct, I copied the dbtest.php file to the dev folder and ran it after changing the following fields:

$hostname   = "dbname.db.acct-number.hostedresource.com";
$username   = "username";
$password   = "password";
$db_name    = "database";

When I hit this page, I am given the following:

A connection was established to your database server
Your database was selected.

I am running out of ideas and GoDaddy support has yet to respond to a ticket from 3 days ago. I guess I am lost as to why dbtest hits fine, but the admin and site say a connection could not be established. (This is the message I receive when I turn on the debug to 1.

  • I looks like the config.php wasn't loaded. Please, check the system path on the files index.php and admin.php
    – Sobral
    Commented May 25, 2014 at 19:13
  • @RobsonSobral thanks for the suggestion. I output an echo for $system_path on both files in the section for /* Resolve the system path for increased reliability to verify the location, and it output correctly.
    – W3bGuy
    Commented May 25, 2014 at 19:29
  • Also, when I throw in <code>echo file_exists(BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter'.EXT); return;</code>, it returns 1 (true), so the paths must be correct.
    – W3bGuy
    Commented May 25, 2014 at 19:34
  • I was able to fix this by re-exporting the database and re-importing the database. It looked as though it did not export completely before. I also had to rename some tables that were case sensitive for some reason.
    – W3bGuy
    Commented May 25, 2014 at 20:45
  • Keep in mind, there have also been reports that GoDaddy flags some ee system files as malware. Namely: /system/codeigniter/system/core/Security.php
    – Jeremy
    Commented May 26, 2014 at 3:26

1 Answer 1


@BrianMallett was able to resolve this by re-importing his database as it did not properly import to GoDaddy the first time.

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