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Displaying the value of a specific row/column in a matrix channel field

I am attempting to make a dynamic table for some of my products in ExpressionEngine. Right now I have the table data set up as a matrix channel field type. Each of my products has 3 variations with 8 ...
APAD1's user avatar
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Matrix - how to "Populate the menu from another channel field"?

EE's native Select Dropdown field has the option to "Populate the menu from another channel field". I'm using Matrix and the P&T Dropdown field. It doesn't have the option to "Populate the menu ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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4 answers

Auto populate a field? (In this case a Matrix cell) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Pre-fill matrix field when creating new entry? Is there a way to automatically populate a field with a fixed static value in the EE control panel publish page? Specifically in ...
Ian Young's user avatar
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Matrix & Radio Buttons - how to make radio button part of the same group?

I'm creating a Matrix to allow users to upload images. One of the fields I want to put is a radio button for "Set as default image". That means each row in the Matrix will have a radio button. ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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P&T Dropdown/Select Dropdown - allow users to enter item not in list?

I'm using Matrix and one of my fields needs to be a Select Dropdown, but since it apparently isn't an option in Matrix I had to install P&T Dropdown. Is there a way to let users enter their own ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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3 answers

Pre-fill matrix field when creating new entry?

How can I pre-fill a matrix field when creating a new channel entry. The reason to do this (and why a matrix field is needed) is: Data is best entered and represented using a table. Unwanted rows ...
Lea Hayes's user avatar
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