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2 answers

Https problem with channel form

I have a problem with a channel form working over https.My form allows users edit their profiles for a staff directory and has a lot of fields including some assets , wygwam and matrix fields.When i ...
bhackett's user avatar
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Assets upload with channel form to sub folder with userid

I´m trying to make users upload files to a folder in assets that contains only user files. But i want them to, when they open to select files and upload files, to have a folder with the memberid as ...
Espen Solli Grande's user avatar
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Wyvern and Channel Forms

I've been looking into creating a front-end client dashboard using wyvern, assets and of course channel forms. I have played with many configurations to get the 'dashboard' working. Specifically, ...
Cedric's user avatar
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Channel forms - Is it possible that channel form with assets field downloads lots of data?

We've set up a blogging solution for a client that uses channel forms with all the necessary fields, including an Assets field for image upload. Nothing out of the ordinary. The template is as light ...
Kenny Bones's user avatar
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Assets and Channel Form Upload

Is there a way to see the files I have selected and to be able to remove them if needed from the upload file button? I am using So I selected for this example 2 files and it only says you have "2 ...
Vin's user avatar
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Possible to upload to S3 when using Assets field in channel form as file input?

Within a channel form, I'm using an Assets field that points to an S3 external source. I'm using the <input type="file" name="assets_field_name"> method (from
Arms's user avatar
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Assets Channel Form errors

Heyo, I've got an Assets field in a Matrix. I can upload to S3 and Local upload directories while in the CP. When I try to upload to either S3 or local directories in my Channel Form page, I get the ...
AJP's user avatar
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Simple HTML file field uploads for an Assets field that appears in a Matrix field in a Safecraker form

I have a Safecracker form that contains a Matrix field, that contains an Assets field. Is there anyway to handcraft the matrix field as per this article:
Dave O'Brien's user avatar
4 votes
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Assets and Channel Form upload only

I wondered if it was possible to have a straight-to-upload feature for safecracker (channel form) uploads? On the front end, I'd want to bypass the 'browse' section and only allow users to upload an ...
Tim Jukes's user avatar
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Assets + Safecracker: Preselect folder and/or view type?

I don't use Safecracker very often, but I'm working on an EE 2.6.1 project where {field:assets_field} is magically bringing the Assets file manager (and uploads) to the front end. I see that this ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Assets in Safecracker: File uploads twice

I'm successfully using the technique covered in this question: Simple HTML file field uploads with Assets and Safecracker <fieldset> <label for="event_url">URL</label> <...
Mark J. Reeves's user avatar
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Assets CSS with Safecracker

Assets looks a bit wonky in a Safecracker form. See attached image. The image container gets calculated wrong. Is there a different CSS file I have to reference when using Assets as a Safecracker ...
Florian's user avatar
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SafeCracker + Assets: Restrict file browser to display logged-in member's files only.

Is there a way to configure the Assets file browser in a SafeCracker form to only show assets for the currently logged-in member?
Roger Glenn's user avatar
7 votes
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Simple HTML file field uploads with Assets and Safecracker

The release notes for Assets 2 says "Added support for simple HTML file field uploads via SafeCracker". Does anyone have any example template code of how this should work, including how to remove the ...
Jamie Pittock's user avatar
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Graphical asset-select for Safecracker

I want to give my client the ability to visually select a file from one of my file-folders in safecracker. I was thinking of using an embed with {exp:assets:files} loop in there, something along these ...
Steven's user avatar
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Change the class of the Assets buttons in a Safecracker form

I have Assets 2.0.3 as a field in a Safecracker form. The buttons created by Assets have the class "assets-btn", leaving me with pink buttons. Rather than overriding CSS for these buttons I would ...
Simon Job's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Restrict Assets directory access per-user in Safecracker

Taking a look at Assets 2.0 docs I can see that with the {exp:assets:folders} tag we can determine the folder where the photos are uploaded in a simple file uploading field, my question is if the same ...
Isabel's user avatar
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Assets and Safecracker — selections not saving?

I have a very simple Safecracker form, consisting of nothing but an Assets field. (I built it so I could quickly run through all my entries and re-assign images that have all recently been updated.) ...
Tim's user avatar
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