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3 votes

How can I add an ampersand (or similar) following all but the final entry in a Matrix loop?

I think the best way achieve this is to do by adding CSS. For that you just need to create one class pipe containing the + sign (either with an image or with color). Then put that pipe class on ...
Harsh Barach's user avatar
1 vote

How can I add an ampersand (or similar) following all but the final entry in a Matrix loop?

if you change this {if total_results >= "1"} + {/if} to this {if count != total_results} + {/if} Then you will get the "+" if there are multiple and it will ...
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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Playa broken in MySQL > 5.7.4

I've encountered errors trying to open Playa fields due to the stricter group by rules ( In ft.playa.php I changed ...
Pete Smith's user avatar

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