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3 votes

Specific word choice in URL title is causing a 404 error on a page. Can anyone help?

Finally resolved this. On a whim I decided to try the URL /en and that had the same effect too so that meant it had to be language related, with the original problem being with 'de'. In my htaccess, ...
Adam's user avatar
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3 votes

Structure First Child Redirect

You can add this script to your blog page then /blog url redirect to first child page. {exp:structure:first_child_redirect}
bhavin thummar's user avatar
3 votes

Alternative for "Structure" in EE3

This is an older question, but...for folks interested in this exact plugin for EE3, Structure has now been ported over.
LiAnn's user avatar
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2 votes

EE2 Structure and structure list closes prematurely

Something isn't right in your structure database. Deleting members and choosing the "delete all entries" option seems to leave the structure database in an inconsistent state. The structure folks ...
txyoji's user avatar
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2 votes

EE3 and Structure MYSQL Error

Updating structure out of beta fixed the issue.
Ben Fjare's user avatar
2 votes

Structure module reordering

"Updated" column shouldn't be NULL or empty or 0. It must contain a date to start reordering. Sometimes it not set at default install of structure and that cause this error. Update the first row's "...
Jainil's user avatar
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1 vote

Site Optimisation: What do you think I should do?

A great place to start with things like this is to checkout Google Pagespeed. It looks like a couple things: Serve your images in next gen formats (webp) Fix your render blocking resources, like ...
Doug Black's user avatar
1 vote

Structure Module breaks after 1000 entries Try upping this PHP runtime value (either in your actual PHP ini file or in your system/index.php file via ini_set). Like, ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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Structure - Can I add a URL node?

Only EE entries can live inside the Structure tree, because Structure is built off of the Pages module. There is a way to do this, though it requires a little bit of a work around. Create a channel ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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MSM Will only load sub-site homepage, everything else 404's?

You are not directing sub-site requests to your file, so a URI like this: is being rendered by your main file, ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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ee4 Save and close redirecting to /admin.php?/cp/addons/settings/structure/index

Seems like you've set this as a setting in structure. it says something like redirect to structure after save. Might also be that your admin page is still defined as admin.php in either your renamed ...
Jelle Dijkstra's user avatar
1 vote

Structure urls sub directory

You probably already figured this out, but I just went through this issue as well. I added a site_url tag to the structure tag and it fixed it: {exp:structure:nav max_depth="1" site_url="yes"}
Matthew McMullen's user avatar
1 vote

How is the ExpressionEngine user guide documentation managed? By categories or channels with relationship fields to the child pages?

Last I heard (some years ago), it was all handled via Sphinx: No idea if that's still true though.
James Smith's user avatar
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Structure module reordering

Updated column in exp_structure table should not be NULL. Use this SQL script to fix reordering issue: UPDATE exp_structure SET updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE entry_id = 0;
Sergey Ovcharenko's user avatar
1 vote

Conditional with "&" in comaprison string fails

You appear to be missing a " in your example - putting this back might fix things. If not, Romans-8 idea of using streeng seems viable. Something like: {if {exp:streeng encode="yes"}title{/exp:...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Assets Field within Structure Entries

I have added an updated version of parse_file_paths by rsanchez as a fork which now will work in EE 3.x and up. All I did was to add the addon.setup.php file to the zip file with the appropriate ...
Terry Britton's user avatar
1 vote

Transcribe + Wygwam + Structure links not working

I spoke to the developer, this is a known bug. They will fix it at some point.
Patrick64's user avatar
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How can I conditionally reveal content of an asset based on day of the week?

You could do something like: {exp:channel:entries channel="specials" url_title='{current_time format="%l"}' } {current_time format="%l"} will yield the current day of the week. i. e. "Monday" Not ...
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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EE2 Structure and structure list closes prematurely

For future reference, we would recommend upgrading to Structure 4. Structure 4 has the ability to fix this, where in Structure 3.x it would just drop the problem causing pages out of Structure. (...
Tom Jaeger's user avatar

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