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2 votes

Private pages for users

Yes private pages are easily do-able. There are numerous approaches, here's one using a template to control who can view content. Create a template and add some conditional tags to determine if the ...
Bluedreamer's user avatar
  • 1,607
1 vote

Private pages for users

EE doc search works pretty well these days, and the info is all there. Login and registration: Member groups: https://docs.expressionengine....
Zack's user avatar
  • 75
1 vote

Creating user datasets when logged in

I don't know if this is exactly what you're after, but you can use the plugin Shortlist to let visitors tag channel entries and then collect them into a list.
Marketing Alliance's user avatar
1 vote

?ACT= Member Creation

ExpressionEngine has most program friendly structure for this. You can just write 2 db insert commands to save members programatically. Where 1 table would be exp_members and other one is ...
Mufi - Amici Infotech's user avatar

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