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Addon development - make visible to Member permissions?

Using EE 3.5.1. I have made a simple extension to allow a logged in user manage a single settings() text field. However, I cannot grant access to this add-on to other Member Groups because it does not ...
Robert's user avatar
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Uploading images in CP using ee:_shared/form via custom addon

I created a module for EE2 a few years back and I'm in the process of making this compatible with EE3/4. I'd ideally like to make use of the ee:_shared/form (Shared Form View) and I'm 90% there but ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
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EE4 Module Tab on Template Editor Page

Is there a way to add a tab on the publish form within the Template Manager like it is with the Channels? For example, the Template Manager has the default Edit, Notes, Settings and Access form tabs. ...
Miura-shi's user avatar
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Creating entry with channel entries api, redirecting to empty view page

I am on EE 2.11.2, and I am using the Channel Entries API to create a new channel entry after a user submits a form on the front-end. It saves the entry just fine, but when I redirect the user to the ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Using hooks in EE3 calling methods in extensions from modules

I'm new to hooks, so pardon any ignorance in the questions... So in my extension, (ext.staree.php), I have the following specifying the hook: class Staree_ext { public $hooks = array('...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Get the current entry_id from inside a module addon

I am working on an addon for EE3 and would like to be able to pull whatever the current {entry_id} is to use inside the mod file without requiring the user to have to add it as a param. Is this ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Return Variables to a Template

I have created a module for Expression Engine 3, which includes two functions. search_form search_results search_form returns a form into my template. search_entries is actioned by search_form upon ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Upgrading module from EE2 > EE3

Can I confirm that if a custom module does not have a control panel interface, conversion from EE2 > EE3 only requires the following changes: Create a addon.setup.php file
ccdavies's user avatar
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Lang text with control panel interface

On a new project, the client requires that it be possible to add/modify all text. I will be using channel entries to hold majority of the 'content' text, but I am more perplexed by how I should allow ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Date Input Field in CP View

Is it possible to have a date input field in a control panel view page? Is there any kind of build in javascript library for the date calendar etc? Thank you.
ccdavies's user avatar
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Module Settings Column

I am creating a competition website. For the competition I am creating a custom module. The module has a cp backend where I want to be able to add some details about the competition. For example, ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add a new database column in third party module?

I've created a module for ExpressionEngine and since it's initial installation I need to add a new column to the database. I've managed to create the update funtion in the upd.modulename.php file and ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
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Trigger the member self activation email from custom add-on with member registration

So i have written a custom module to do some stuff, but part of that stuff is to register a new member into EE. All of that is working great, but, it doesn't send the self activation email out (even ...
JohnWBaxter's user avatar
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How to access a custom table name that isn't prefixed with exp_

I'm developing an EE module that needs to access a non EE database table that isn't prefixed with 'exp_'. How would I go about doing this? In Codeigniter I can use set_dbprefix, but that doesn't ...
Jim Pannell's user avatar
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Render embed tags Shine pdf

I want to use the module Shine pdf to generate pdf's. Only problem is it doesn't render embed tags in the template. I would like to change the code in the module so it would render embed tags. This ...
Balloonatic's user avatar
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Add a new menu button in control panel on module installation

For the module I am developing I would like to add a new menu button in the control panel. I could do that manually, but I was wondering if there is a standard EE function to add a new menu button ...
Balloonatic's user avatar
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List upload destinations in module

I'd like to show a list of available upload destinations on a form in a custom module, are there functions to help with this?
user6359's user avatar
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form validation for module mod file template tags

I am creating a dynamic form on the fly for use in EE templates. I create the tags using the mod.module_name.php file of my module. I am trying to run validation on the form, every field is required ...
Brad's user avatar
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redirect in add-on module redirecting me to admin control panel login form with # appended in URL

$this->EE->functions->redirect(BASE . AMP . 'C=addons_modules' . AMP . 'M=show_module_cp' . AMP . 'module=module_name_here' . '#tabsettings'); EE v2.9.2 I want to redirect the user after ...
Brad's user avatar
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Is it possible to use $lang variable in fatal_error output on front end?

In my custom module I want to display a series of error messages for X, Y & Z. I have a single tag in the mod.[module_name].php file and I want to throw out an error if no id has been provided. ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
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load->view not working in some cases

I have a function in my module.php file: public function evo_admin_pb() { $this->EE->load->library('db/cache_mproc', '', 'qodb'); $this->EE->load->model('...
EmmyS's user avatar
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How do I create a single template tag which outputs multiple bits of data?

I have just created my own module and need a bit of help displaying the content on the front end. I currently have some template tags {exp:address_book:contact}{/exp:address_book:contact} and within ...
Kieran McClung's user avatar
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Parse custom field data in entry_submission_end_hook

What I'm trying to do is parse the custom field data sent to the entry_submission_end hook. Here's what I was able to dissect out of the channel entries module, but what I'm confused is how to ...
leblancexplores's user avatar
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Stored module version number fails to update after upgrade successfully runs

We have a custom module which has successfully used the update method in upd.addon-name.php to apply database changes. We are attempting to use it again for another version update (from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0)...
epocsquadron's user avatar
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Problem parsing deep arrays with parse_variables()

I have a problem with the parse_variables() method once my data contains an array at a certain depth: foreach ($cvs->result_array() as $id => $row) { $variables[] = array( 'id' => ...
Russ Back's user avatar
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3 answers

parse_variables multidimentional empty array?

I have a template tag that uses $this->EE->TMPL->parse_variables() to create a single item with an array of [items]. Array ( ... [accessRole] => reader [items] => Array ...
leblancexplores's user avatar
2 votes
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channel entries tag seems to run before my module function

The {exp:bmi_favorite:list_ids entry_type="recipe" site_id="1"} outputs 18|19 to be passed to the entry_id parameter. It does not work, unless I manually add the 18|19 into the entry_id, like entry_id=...
Brad's user avatar
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Best method to split module mcp file into multiple files

We are developing a module and the controller mcp file has become quite large. I wondered if there is a best practice for splitting this into multiple files. It's a collection of methods in the class ...
Laurence Cope's user avatar
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Custom config files in an EE addon

I moved a custom addon out of system/third_party into a third_party folder above web root all was well until I realized that the addon didn't account for a different third_party folder location I ...
mjr's user avatar
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pagination with current URL in custom module

I added pagination to a module, in a mod.filename.php Below is my code, it outputs the pagination (after it lists all the reviews) if you pass yes into the template tag parameter as seen below. After ...
Brad's user avatar
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1 answer

custom form validation class for a module I am building

I am building a module for EE2 and I want to extend CI's form validation library. I also want a separate language file too, kept within my module's directory so it's separate from future EE updates. ...
Brad's user avatar
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2 answers

{if} conditional prevent running module function

I created a module for GitHub's API and am having trouble preventing the module's function {exp:cl_github:repo_contents_archive} from running given a conditional. The reason this is imperative is that ...
leblancexplores's user avatar
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upload library not working in module I am building

I've been stuck trying to upload a file in a module I am buidling. I've tried using the EE instance and now I am trying the CI instance. I've checked permission settings and those are fine for the ...
Brad's user avatar
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EE2.x Module development reference images in css and views

I'm building a a module and I am having trouble trying to load images for my css styles and views.. is there a way to do this? file stucture: third_party: module javascript css views I have ...
4razmus's user avatar
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Using a module tag as parameter adds +1 query per loop

I'm finding that if I use a module tag like stash or playa as a parameter in a plugin tag, that an extra query for the module name is run for each loop. Here's the query that's run: SELECT `...
Dylan's user avatar
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Control Panel/MCP: Table class in older versions of EE2

Have there been any changes to the table class in EE2? I have a bug report on an add-on from a user with EE v2.3.1. They've received the following error in my mcp. file: <b>Fatal error:</b&...
Mark J. Reeves's user avatar
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Pagination links on CP module's view are not clickable

I have a problem quite similar to the one found here, where I am trying to form a table using the tutorial found on Ellis Lab's site. I found some of their guide totally lacking on pagination, and as ...
Jord's user avatar
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How to force installation of extension during module install

When installing a module how do you require it's extension to be installed at the same time and vice versa? I did a google search and looked over the docs as well and didn't find anything. That doesn'...
Natetronn's user avatar
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Pagination links on CP Module screen are not clickable

I'm working on a module that's outputting data using $this->EE->load->library('table'). I'm passing this back to my index() function to render things: return array( 'rows' => $rows, ...
Mark J. Reeves's user avatar
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What is the best way to start using hooks?

I've used EE for a while now but I'm new to creating extensions or modules. I want to add a functionality where a bunch of email addresses stored in a database get notified when an entry is submitted ...
Rémi Breton's user avatar
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Proper way to output AJAX response in module?

What's the proper way to return an AJAX response within an ExpressionEngine module? Good ole' echo "foo"; die(); seems to work but there must be a better way! I tried the CodeIgniter approach $this-&...
leblancexplores's user avatar
3 votes
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How to load javascript file in my module

I have a module that is dependant on a couple of Javascript files. How can I load these Javascript files on the front end when my module is called? They are quite large so I cannot simply use an ...
colincameron's user avatar
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Active Record: Show Tables

Is there a codeigniter active record way of doing something like: if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE exp_mytable"))==1) I'm not seeing Show Tables as a method in the docs.
Marc Miller's user avatar
4 votes
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Module I'm developing will not install

I am new to EE development and am trying to get my head round creating a module. I've read various tutorials and docs and have a skeleton module created, but it will not install. In the list of ...
colincameron's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Module tag pair not working

I'm trying to create a module tag but it just isn't working, I'm following the Hello World tutorial at Ellis Lab. My module is installed and the MCP part is working. Here is my mod file: <?php if (...
gregwhitworth's user avatar
7 votes
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Am I able to store my own module settings in an EE table?

I am writing a new module for ExpressionEngine and have a couple of settings that I want to store from the Facebook API. For example, if I wanted to store the Facebook ID and Albums they want to pull ...
gregwhitworth's user avatar
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Problems overriding mod.member_settings.php email_prefs_form and update_un_pw_form

I have an extension and module that handles authentication for EE. I'm having some troubles understanding how to go about over-riding the handling in mod.member_settings.php. There is a hook for ...
user63868's user avatar
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EE 1.6.x Module Development

So I'm returning an array of all the information I need from my function, but I can't seem to figure out how to parse through the array once I get to the template. Module: Class main{ function data(...
JMP's user avatar
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Module development: how to follow OOP best practices

I'm developing an EE module and I want to follow OOP best practices and fulfil the MVC architectural pattern, I have a few questions about how to do this: Where should I define a PHP Class for ...
Filippo Salza's user avatar