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Questions tagged [postmaster]

Postmaster is a commercial add-on by Objective HTML.

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Anyone recommend a replacement for Postmaster addon?

For v5? I think the addon is not developed anymore and stopped at v2. Basic functions needed are: mailout confirmation on signup/registration specific to different groups. Anything out there?
segovius's user avatar
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Postmaster Parcels Page is Blank

Good Afternoon, Today I experienced a strange issue with Postmaster 1.4.3 on an EE 2.5.2 site and I'm hoping someone might have some tips to resolve this. What's happening is when I visit my control ...
Andrew Currie's user avatar
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trigger postmaster in an "api" request

Hi trying to make an API call that triggers a postmaster update parcel looked at this post I'm called my plugin from at jquery ajax call , all working fine can update the entry with the db class ...
bomanden's user avatar
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Postmaster - Switching from Mandrill to SendGrid

With Mandrill's new change of policies and pricing I'm moving away from using it for my transactional emails and am Switching to SendGrid. I use the Postmaster add-on to trigger various emails as ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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Can postmaster send post dated emails through a hook?

I'm aiming to send a post dated email through postmaster. I'm (successfully) sending out emails though a custom addon, by triggering a hook inside the custom addon and passing some data through the ...
Dave O'Brien's user avatar
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Postmaster error with Mandrill App

I am using Profile:Edit to register new members, then using Postmaster to trigger emails when they have registered and been approved. I am currently having a problem with Postmaster when I use the "...
Funkefied's user avatar
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Postmaster parcels not sending

In Postmaster I have setup a parcel to send once an entry in the store orders channel (id="13") has been entered as a status of closed to replicate and abandoned cart notification. For some reason I ...
Thomas K's user avatar
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Send an email based on search inputs

Looking at building a search form which sends an email alert to a members based on search terms eg: membership level/location/custom fields/tags/categories. In addition I need to send an additional ...
Thomas K's user avatar
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3 answers

Send Email weekly

I want to send a weekly email based on time (no other trigger) that inclues channel entries which is defined in a template. The recipients are always the same, just a few people. I cannot seem to ...
gabriel_b's user avatar
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Date range in EE postmaster template

I have a notification setup that is pulling the top 5 most viewed entries within the specific channel, and I want to send this email with the top 5 most viewed entries, and I want to send this ...
Anthony Peruso's user avatar
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Postmaster Redirect

Has anyone had this issue and how did they resolve it? When creating a Parcel and clicking "Save Parcel" it redirects to
Vin's user avatar
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Postmaster Functions

I want to purchase this add-on but not sure if it will fit into what I need. Maybe someone who already has it can let me know? 1) Can the add-on be setup to email a registered user when that end ...
Vin's user avatar
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Postmaster & Escort Add-on

Does this replace the need for the Escort add-on? I also use Subscriptions by DevDemon, so I may need both, not sure if the two play nicely together or Postmaster simply replaces the need for the ...
Vin's user avatar
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Postmaster Notification Not sending

I have a notification that I want to send out every day, I am using mail chimp and I have the list selected that I want to send to but no matter what values I put in the post date field or any of the ...
Anthony Peruso's user avatar
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Setting up recipients and dates to be sent in Postmaster Module

I am trying to configure a parcel to be sent out once everyday, i have "+1 day" in the field, but it is not sending at all, as for the recipients section i have the tag {member:screen_name} for "from" ...
Anthony Peruso's user avatar
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Templating in Postmaster / Templating in General (Super Simple)

I am trying to figure out how to simply post channel information in a Postmaster email template and for the life of me I cannot figure out why I cannot. Lets say I have a news channel. Why wont this ...
David Broadlick's user avatar
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Different Postmaster Emails for different Zoo Visitor group registrations

I have several zoo visitor registration forms - one for each of three different member groups. I need to set up different notification templates in Postmaster as the custom fields for each type of ...
Damien Buckley's user avatar
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MX Notify Control Sending Incorrect Data

I'm trying to get MX Notify Control setup to handle new entry and updated entry notifications for an event registration channel I created. Currently the notifications are working for 10 of the 11 ...
Andrew Currie's user avatar
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How to notify on register with Zoo Visitor & Postmaster

I am trying to create a notification email in Postmaster to trigger on submission of a Zoo Visitor member registration form. The registration form includes a set of checkboxes for registrants to ...
Damien Buckley's user avatar
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Postmaster + Zoo Visitor + custom fields

I'm using Zoo Visitor to register members and I've set up Postmaster to email based on a checkbox group (using extra conditionals in Postmaster). Postmaster sends the email fine, but it uses Zoo ...
A Herrera's user avatar
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Weekly Email of Channel Entries

We need to be able to email subscribed members (that we add to Mailchimp via Postmaster) a weekly email of the latest posts made to the site. Can anyone point me in the right direction and provide ...
DanH's user avatar
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How to show Low Events dates in a Postmaster parcel

How can I get a Low Events date to display in a Postmaster parcel? I want to send an email confirmation when a user submits an upcoming training session announcement. 1.) I tried this: {parcel:...
Amy Witty's user avatar
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Postmaster Hook Errors

I am using postmaster 1.5.0 on 2.9.0 EE and with a hook installed at the end of a store purchase, and I want to trigger an email. But.... When I submit the order via store, I get the following errors:...
Aaron's user avatar
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Error on Postmaster Parcel or Hook save

I'm working in EE v2.9.0 and Postmaster 1.5.0. Every time I save a parcel or a hook, I get the same error: Error The page you requested was not found. The information saves, however, I need to go ...
Jon Nixon's user avatar
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How to use an embed in a Postmaster parcel

Whenever I use an embed in my EE Postmaster parcel the only content that is displayed is the content generated by the embed. My entire template is wiped out and replaced with just the value that is ...
Andrew Currie's user avatar
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What determines an 'Abandoned cart' in CartThrob and PostMaster?

I'm using Postmaster to send notifications on a 'Cartthrob Abandonded Cart' however I have no idea how to trigger an abandoned cart to test it. Does anyone know what steps are involved? Or what ...
Bradley Flood's user avatar
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How is a postmaster Cart Throb on authorize hook mail formed?

I have this as a template and I am wondering is this the way you build these? The documentation is not quite clear on how the variables are meant to be formed for an html email. Order:{hook:...
Aaron's user avatar
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Trying to get Solspace Super Search results in an extension

I am building a notification system which should email a user whenever a new entry is added that matches their saved results. The way I plan to make this work is using a Postmaster Notification which ...
boilerroomdigital's user avatar
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Postmaster Notifications not sending

I'm attempting to setup a reminder calendar implementing the Postmaster module. I've been trying to solve this issue now for a while and can't seem to come up with a solution. Here's my setup: I have ...
shparkison's user avatar
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Newsletter for product catalog

My client want to send a newsletter with a product's catalog to his customers Is it possible with Postmaster? I thought that I need to create a template with custom fields, then the clients publish ...
migliorosso's user avatar
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Abandoned Cart Emails (Expresso-Store)

The website I am busy developing contains a shopping cart and after 2 hours of no user activity, the current cart is considered abandoned and should send the user an email regarding this. I am using ...
heinkasner's user avatar
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Objective HTML Postmaster – send by date, not add/edit entry

I've been working on solving this problem for a while, and hoping someone can help me come up with a solution. Basically what I'm doing is creating an EE Grid field with a title, date, and ...
shparkison's user avatar
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Postmaster - Custom Field Notification

Can't seem to pull a custom email variable from Cartthrob orders into the Postmaster. I can see postmaster is sending the message on authorisation but the variable is not showing the email address ...
Thomas K's user avatar
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Postmaster: Can we send HTML & Text in one email using multi-part MIME? If not, how do we line break in plain text?

I have looked at the Postmaster docs, other questions on ee.stackexchange, and the Postmaster support forums at devot:ee, but have not seen an answer for these two. Can Postmaster send a multi-part ...
positlux's user avatar
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How do I update or edit an entry using the Channel Entries API save_entry function?

I've looked at the EE Channel Entries API docs, but the save_entry function does not seem to actually update an existing entry, but rather saves a new new entry over it. This seems to be the case as ...
positlux's user avatar
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Is there a way to make Postmaster receiver email dynamic?

I have a channel called foo which is tied up to a member via Safecracker Registration. The foo channel has a field for an email. When someone edits a foo channel entry, I want to send an email to ...
developarvin's user avatar
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Communication module, batch send, "Unable to send email at this time" after many successful batches sent

I'm using EE 2.7.2 Sending out an email with Communication tool to an EE mailing list with about 3,000 people on it. Started sending fine in batches of 50, and then after about 2,300 sent it came up ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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Subscribing the current member via Postmaster

I have a template that is called when a user wants to subscribe to the newsletter. It is formatted like this... {exp:postmaster:campaign:subscribe service="MailChimp" api_key="XXXXX" ...
Mutual's user avatar
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Solspace Freeform sent through Postmaster returns multi-part MIME format error

Using Freeform (free version) for two forms on my site. Both forms send a message to admin as well as a confirmation back to the sender. I have Postmaster setup to send all system emails, so all ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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Solspace User forgot password returns error: "Unable to send email at this time"

With Solspace User the forgot password function is returning the EE form error: "Unable to send email at this time.". However, the forgot password email is being sent to the member who requested it. ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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Looking for advice on “subscribing” to a user

I'm building my very first EE website and I am looking for some advice regarding email notifications based on user activity. I would like members to be able to “subscribe” to or "follow" other members ...
NPI's user avatar
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Postmaster Expiration_Date In "Post Date Specific" Field

I'm currently looking to send out an email using Postmaster when an entry expires. My entry will be assigned a expiration date, so im curious if I can use this variable in the "Post Date Specific" ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Postmaster parses tag in preview but not in delivered email

I am having trouble getting a tag pair to work properly. In the preview pane of the control panel the code below behaves as expected. However, when the mail arrives via Mandrill this field is blank. {...
Dan Johnson's user avatar
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HTML Stripped out of Postmaster Emails

I've setup Postmaster to send system emails via Mandrill. Everything's working fine, but, all of the HTML tags are getting stripped out. Here's a snip from the Message field, which is rendering ...
Nick Benson's user avatar
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Using Postmaster to send system emails

I have Postmaster installed, and parcels set up to handle email notifications of channel entries/status changes etc. This uses Mandrill and works fine. I would like to utilise Mandrill for the ...
shorn's user avatar
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Postmaster Parcel submitting to localhost

Whenever I try and save a Parcel I created, the form just returns to localhost. I am not working locally, so I am not sure why it would go to that. I am using: EE 2.7 Postmasger 1.4.3 I also have ...
prosborne's user avatar
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Disable default email notification templates

I've installed the Postmaster module from Objective HTML and I'm using the Send system email hook. When the system sends an email I will receive it twice because the postmaster hook don't override the ...
0x1ad2's user avatar
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Relationships in Postmaster Parcel

Is it possible to use the new EE 2.6 native relationships in parcels. I cant seem to get it to work... tried a few different syntax styles? Your application for {parcel:application_related_fair}{...
Keith Mancuso's user avatar
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Project request form system in EE: Freeform Pro vs Channel Form (SafeCracker)

I'm building a project request system for our organization and think I know what I want to do, but want to run it by some others first. Our graphics department gets requests from staff and other ...
Doug's user avatar
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Sending email forms using Postmaster - missing some key info on parsing fields

I am trying to build a multi enquiry form i which the same message plus some custom data is sent to multiple email addresses. The email addresses and custom data are retrieved from existing entries. ...
foamcow's user avatar
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