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Questions tagged [channel-fields]

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Select with Field

I have a Select Dropdown field named Type belonging to a Channel. Inside I created a Value / Label menu. I would like to print the values ​​in a Select in front-end. Below I put my code that does ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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create select field using api with name/value pairs

Anyone have any example or documentation to create a select field using the EE api in a channel group with name/value pairs for the select option. I cannot find anything on how to do that. I am able ...
Trevor Orr's user avatar
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Method to add multiple fields to a channel entry

I'm building a website on ExpressionEngine 3.5.10. One of the channels, training, is for Training courses. It's possible that each training course has multiple: date, time, location, price. In other ...
Andy's user avatar
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Problem showing fields in grid channel fields

I have a strange problem and I think there is a bug in the platform (v2.9.2 - Build Date: 20141004 ), related to Grid field. I'm trying to access more fields and one of this fields need to be ...
Bogdan Alexandru Militaru's user avatar
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Get field name within Channel form

Is there a way to show the name of the field in the front end (via Channel Form)? There's the Name and short_name.. I want to put the whole "question" in the field Name rather than type it in the ...
Benoit L's user avatar
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How to display contents of checkboxes field

Hello i'am using ExpressionEngine v3.3.4 for a short time. I have field group with field 'shop_item_product_sizes'. (attachment) Is it possible to dynamically print only selected checkboxes as select ...
Sintari's user avatar
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Suggestion for fields to use for this type of content

I'm using EE 2.11.2, and am having trouble coming up with a good, user-friendly way to set up my fields to represent some dynamic content on a site I'm building. Can you offer a suggestion of a ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Understanding Channel Field Groups/Channel Fields/Status Groups

What is the difference between channel field groups and channel fields? Is there a difference? Secondly, how would you explain what a status group to someone who is a novice? I would like to teach ...
Greg's user avatar
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How can I tell if a fieldtype is in use?

I'm trying to clean up my EE install and there are a few third-party fieldtypes that I'm reasonably sure aren't in use. But I'd like to make sure before removing them. Is there any way to tell, other ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Optimising structure of exp_channel_data table

I have a site with around 800 columns on exp_channel_data table. I would like to know if I can go ahead and optimise the structure of this table by doing the following 1) changing field from text to ...
Sarvesh Shejwadkar's user avatar
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Problem Pulling Field Info Into Page

I'm having issues posting fields from individual entries to my sites pages. For example, I'm trying to post a form that changes based on the specific type of page that it's on (my Marketing Automation ...
Matt Dowis's user avatar
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Comma in Text Input

I have a channel field Text Input where I need to store numbers with comma as a string. I set the fields Field Content to All. Unfortunately, if I enter a comma in the field, like in 2,5, the field ...
Rias's user avatar
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Display fields upon dropdown selection in PUBLISH layout

Is there a way to conditionally display channel fields (not required ones at least) based on a prior selection from a dropdown field in the publish layout for any channel? Thanks!
Noor M's user avatar
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Entry Poster IMdb

I am trying to use entry_poster_imdb Is it possible to create fields automatically in a field group, corresponding to the IMdb fields which are pulled ...
Noor M's user avatar
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How to get all values of a field pack channel field

I've a Channel Field, I create a field-pack drop-down list that works great on the Article page back-end. Now I need to get all values of that list and output it into the article temple if i do {...
Jonathan Thurft's user avatar
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Avoid <p> in output of channel fields

I created a channel "project" with several channel fields. For my question I am using the example of a field called "White Header", the short name is white_header and is is of Type Text Input. When I ...
Rias's user avatar
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Add character limit on a channel entry tag field?

I want to add a character limit on the display portion of expression engines channel field, not on the back end entry. for example, If i have a field "Description" I want to be able to display a "...
Drew Major's user avatar
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Edit channel fields view displaying short name not field label, with no link to edit

Since I upgraded from 2.5.5 to 2.10.1, I can no longer edit channel fields. When attempting to edit channel fields, the edit view displays the fields listed by short name in input tags, instead of ...
Chris Bain's user avatar
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Searchable content not appearing in search results

I've got an existing site, and recently changed the settings of a few Channel Fields to make them searchable. There are lots of pages using the Channel already, so I was hoping that my change to the ...
Tomtids's user avatar
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Is there a way to configure a custom separator for channel field checkboxes?

I am working with a template where items are filtered by their checkbox values. The each item can have multiple checkbox values, and when they are selected the checkbox values are separated with a ...
j_lemon's user avatar
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Does adding Channel fields affect existing content in those channels?

I'm looking to add a couple non-required channel fields to a particular channel on my site. How will adding these channel fields affect existing content in that particular channel? What will the ...
Greg's user avatar
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Trying to use the bxSlider by setting the <li> as fields as background images in expressionengine

I am using the bxSlider in full screen (filling entire browser window) mode. To have the images become full screen I set the images in the list as background-image: url images. I created this in html ...
Samantha's user avatar
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Adding class to a field within a channel form

{label:skills}: {field:skills} I am trying to add a class to the field skills. Cant find any documentation on adding a class to this field. Im sure its a simple fix, anyone got the solution? ...
Sam Crowe's user avatar
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How to create a Grid field in extension [duplicate]

I’m creating an extension that on installation, programmatically creates a channel and fields for that channel. One of the fields I’d like to create is a Grid field to store PDF documents against an ...
Martin Bean's user avatar
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Creating new channel field error: The page you requested was not found

Adding new channel fields always says "The page you requested was not found." but editing fields works fine. Everything is working until we installed Profile:Edit module and even uninstalling it did ...
Glen's user avatar
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If statement based on length of Channel Field

Is it possible to create an {if} statement based on the character length of a channel field? Something along the lines of this: Lets say I have the channel field - {title} and I want to add a class ...
Ryan Cheetham's user avatar
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Photo Frame add-on -- customize alt attribute?

I just installed the Photo Frame EE add-on and I'm really impressed with the image editing functionality. I'm unsure, however, as to whether it's possible to include a variable in the image alt ...
nickpish's user avatar
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Content on a page defined by text in a field, publications by year

I know someone out there has done this before. I need to build a publications page that will show it's list of publications by a given year which has been filled in a channel field. I've googled I ...
Eric's user avatar
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Order Channel Custom Field Options

I know, still asking newbie questions. Maybe it is because I am running version 2.3.1, but it's not working for me. I have a custom field options and I am trying to sort the checkboxes. I have ...
kronus's user avatar
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Contains operator not working for channel field that uses checkboxes

I am using a checkbox channel field named "destinations" that allows an entry to have multiple values checked off. I then want other fields from that entry to be displayed if the destinations field ...
SeaEdAssociation's user avatar
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Is there a way to relate channel fields to one another?

I am creating a staff profile page, where I want to display social media icons for any social media sites each staff member may have (see photo). I don't want to list ALL social media options, but I'...
Christian's user avatar
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"Google Maps for ExpressionEngine" field validation with Zoo Visitor Update Form

I am using Google Maps for ExpressionEngine field type with Zoo Visitor update member entry form. But I couldn't make this field type as Required. I tried by having "Is this a required field?" as "...
Bhashkar Yadav's user avatar
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Channel field within a playa tag pair

I'm using a playa tag pair to display some related information. But would like to include a field from a different channel entry in the middle of the tag pair. I tried closing the play tag par before ...
Erbert's user avatar
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Why does a multiselect fieldtype custom field result in a DB error

I have created a custom fieldtype that uses a multiselect box. However when I save the entry in the CMS, the following error occurs A Database Error Occurred Error Number: 1054 Unknown column 'Array'...
Steven Lavine's user avatar
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Trouble with Zoo Visitor checkboxes in a Low Search

I am looking to do a search of a few Zoo Visitor fields that are comprised of checkboxes. This was something I was working on a few months ago and I picked this project back up this week. I am having ...
NPI's user avatar
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Expand, Multiply a Channelfield

Does anybody know a Add-on or something like that which can do the following: I'd like to have, in my Publish-form an editable field; for instance I have a date field (LowEvent) which adds a date to ...
Dave_Daliz's user avatar
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Not able to Edit Channel Fields or Templates. Gives Error: disallowed key character

Suddenly, We are not able to edit and Channel Fields. We are using: EE v2.8.1 - Build Date: 20140314 If we go to: Admin > Channel Administration > Channel Fields > Example Group > Slider Image and ...
Aninda's user avatar
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Can you have a relationship with a *category* instead of a 'channel' in channel fields?

I want to setup a 'Pages' channel in such a way where I can include a loop from a different channel (in this case 'Listings') only showing entries for a particular category. I'm using Structure to ...
JustinXyn's user avatar
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NGen File Image to Assets within Matrix table

I'm currently in the process of transferring channel entry data from an EEv1 site into a fresh new EEv2 site. My method is to populate XML files with channel data and then, using Importer (or DataGrab)...
Adam's user avatar
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